“Fear of germs… f***in’ p*****s!” – George Carlin – IOTW Report

“Fear of germs… f***in’ p*****s!” – George Carlin

“Americans are always willing to trade away a little of their freedom in exchange for the feeling, the illusion, of security.” – George Carlin


ht/ shang

14 Comments on “Fear of germs… f***in’ p*****s!” – George Carlin

  1. Forgot sometimes how good a real comedian is – no doubt he was a liberal but he still got after everybody to speak to the human condition. Almost as good a philosopher as we ever had.

  2. I love(d) George Carlin. Saw him in concert in 1974 – funny as hell.

    He was a lib, no doubt, but like JFK, he would be considered conservative by today’s liberal standards – or at least a libertarian, which is probably more the case.

  3. FYI – it is NOT banned, that was part of the FB post. I don’t have a FB account so I just clicked “Not Now” when it asked me to log in / create an account. That screen went away and I watched the entire video,

  4. Too bad, he was one of the alltime great punsters

    “She was an earthy woman, so I treated her like dirt.”

    “The reason you could never ban masturbation is because people would simply take the law into their own hands”

    “Her face wasnt too great, but she had the nicest pair of tits I ever csme across”

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