Fears Trudeau’s Tax Grab May Sink Liberal Party – IOTW Report

Fears Trudeau’s Tax Grab May Sink Liberal Party


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn’t apologizing for potentially adding to the tax burden of small businesses.

Despite the growing public outcry over tax proposals that many perceive as just another tax grab, Trudeau insists he’s helping the middle-class by eliminating tax breaks that he says only help the rich.

In Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Friday, Trudeau told reporters that his tax proposals will close loopholes used by wealthy businesses — although small businesses are increasingly using these tax shelters and are crying foul very loudly.

“We’re doing more for the people who need it and doing less for the people who don’t,” Trudeau said, suggesting that his government represents the middle class.

“I will make no apologies for this approach.”

An increasing number of Liberal Members of Parliament (MPs) are expressing concerns that the tax changes might prove politically disastrous and are telling the PM that.

Morneau even had a conference call this week with Liberal MPs who say their constituents are calling to complain. Morneau’s response has been to suggest Canadians are misinformed about his plan.


12 Comments on Fears Trudeau’s Tax Grab May Sink Liberal Party

  1. He Grew Up a Rich Boy, Who Knew He Would Never Run Out Of Mom’s Money !
    He’s Gone From That To An Adult Child, Who Did’nt Think He Would ever Run out of Canada’s Money ! See The Problem Here !!!

  2. Yes Justin Castro, its the same old story, we are taxing the evil rich to help the poor middle class. That’s the clever lie that is spun when in fact it always end up biting the middle class in the ass. You eliminate the loopholes to get more tax revenue, the business raises their prices and/or cuts jobs to compensate.

    That old philosophy of repeating the same failed policies over and over again, always expecting a different result.

  3. Canadians have bounced back and forth between Liberal and Conservative governments for nearly sixty years. Whatever gains are made by the Conservatives are wiped away by the Liberals. Ontario and Quebec keep electing the Trudeaus, who keep destroying the country with profligate spending and massive Third World immigration. Justine is the enevitable consequence of too much socialism and not enough common sense.

  4. Canada is a nation of slaves.
    They do not decry their slave status – in fact, they revel in it.

    The dick-head they elected knows his peons, and knows the extent of their submission to the lies and prevarications of socialism. They will not abandon him.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “We’re doing more for the people who need it and doing less for the people who don’t”. So the government not taking your money is it doing something for you and when it takes more money from you, it is doing less for you. Okay. Got it. What is wrong with this Trudeau guy? Congenital syphillis from his skanky old whore of a mother?

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