FEC Chair: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, “I Believe Her” – IOTW Report

FEC Chair: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, “I Believe Her”


Trey Trainor, head of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), said in a tweet Tuesday that he believes Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell’s claim of widespread election fraud.

Powell, a former federal prosecutor, recently claimed the president’s legal team has been receiving a deluge of evidence concerning voter fraud and other irregularities, telling Fox Business that she has enough proof to launch a widespread criminal investigation and that, “we’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states.”

While she declined to detail what evidence she may have in her possession, she insisted, “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up.”

The Epoch Times’ Tom Ozimek reports that Trainor, in his tweet, called Powell “forthright and honest in every case she’s ever taken on,” adding that, “if she says there is rampant voter fraud in #Election2020, I believe her.”

Meanwhile, Trump campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski told “The Water Cooler” podcast that he, too, believes Powell’s claim of having evidence of systemic election fraud.

Lewandowski, speaking to podcast host David Brody, called Powell a “dogged professional attorney” and said that “if she says she has that evidence, I have no reason to doubt her at all.”

“It’s going to be time to start to present that evidence and present it to a court of law,” he added.

Powell’s claim centers on the notion that elections software switched “millions of votes” from President Donald Trump to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. She said a whistleblower has come forward alleging that the voting software was designed to “rig elections.” more

23 Comments on FEC Chair: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, “I Believe Her”

  1. Rush mentioned yesterday how the media is oddly silent about Sidney Powell and Lin Woods, and it’s true. Looks like a Legacy Media embargo on the story of massive, targeted election fraud. I guess Social Media is busy shutting down the story from its domain. I’m seeing the blue line “This claim about election fraud is disputed” on half the tweets I look at, and pretty soon, I reckon I won’t be able to look at those tweets at all.

  2. “It’s going to be time to start to present that evidence and present it to a court of law,”

    ….GOING to be? When, at Harris’ Second Inaugural?

    …and we don’t have Courts of Law any more, either.

    Just Courts of Democrats.

    …and facts and precidents don’t matter to them, only power does.

    …so while it’s nice to try, it will ultimately be up to us if we’re willing to accept the fraudulent election that will end all future elections or not, because Communism doesn’t brook opposition…


  3. So there’s been massive voter fraud, what can be done about it?


    The count will remain the same if it was actually fraudulent and recounted using the same ballots (assuming they were all counted in the first place).

    Legislatures certify the elections and then chose their electors but if there is no certification for some reason they pick the electors anyway. I don’t see it going against Biden and in favor of Trump in enough States to change anything.

    But all those smoking guns and massive amounts of evidence should be released or filed i Court immediately anyway, otherwise they just join the category of hidden sources and evidence that keeps conspiracy theories fueled and in the realm of outer fringe conspiracy theories instead of proven and verifiable fact.

    Anyone have a realistic idea of how other practical scenarios might play out and what their outcomes would be?

  4. Why are democrat operatives the only ones allowed to count votes? Why is it that when one of them is caught cheating, they aren’t kicked out? Why haven’t illegal ballots been subtracted from the totals?

  5. Thirdtwin
    NOVEMBER 18, 2020 AT 8:18 AM
    ““…I think its not going to end without shooting myself, “

    Holy crap, SNS, please tell me there’s a comma missing after “shooting”!”

    …you are right, that’s not what I meant at this time…but it may well come to that.

    I will not be ruled by a pedophile, but if all else fails, we may all face a Masada moment when we have to choose between death by slavery or death by our own hand, so when the upcoming hostilites break out if the forces of evil emerge victorious to claim you as chattel at the last, you may want to hold one round in reserve to deny them at least ONE small victory at the end, perhaps more if there are those you love with you in that extremity that also would not be slaves…


    …I personally expect to die in some earlier action, because I do not have the appropriate training or age for what’s going to happen, but I also cannot let such flagrant evil stand unopposed. Don’t want to go out early like that, but its very probable I will. Better to die free than live in chains though, come what may. All men die, whether at pain or at peace, and it would be preferable to waiting around to see if my prostate kills me or putting a hood on and lining up to go out like a bitch so Commies can glory over me one final time, perhaps killing my son first in front of me just to be sadistic, you know how they do…

    …but what I think doesn’t matter. If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans. One doesn’t fully control their destiny, so it is unwise to rule out any option for any action that may be necessary to oppose tyranny at the last…

    …I know I post this a lot, but it becomes more relevant with each passing day. I wish it didn’t apply to our Nation and our times, but it does.

    …so again, I leave you with this…

    “they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago”

  6. Why is when Republicans are winning they act like losers? Dems never stop fighting. Dems control the narrative. Republicans are always on defense until President Trump. I believe in Sidney Powell. She is a straight shooter. I have not given up.

  7. …sorry, the full quote…

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago”

  8. “Why is when Republicans are winning they act like losers?”

    Because the majority of Republican politicians are just as criminal as democrats and the democrats are their friends. They really don’t want elections looked into because then Republican voters will find out many of them haven’t won a primary election fair and square in years.
    They really don’t want the swamp drained because they want to continue business as usual.

  9. “Why haven’t illegal ballots been subtracted from the totals?”

    Because they are not identifiable as illegal ballots and you can’t sort them out.

    Think of it as tossing a handful of beans into a jar of identical beans and shaking them up. How do you determine which beans were tossed in and which were already there?

  10. the lying msm says biden won and you believe them?

    not me.

    i always knew no matter the results of the election the msm would say biden won.

    they had too.
    they need to get this party started.

    now the question is is America going to roll over and play dead or are we going to take back our country and constitution from these professional politician grifters who think their graft comes before our freedom?

    we have two choices, let them get away with their corruption and loose our freedom or take care of this situation ourselves?

    we will soon have to make up our minds if we can live with those who cannot live with us.

    professional politicians swinging from the lamp posts of dc is a great start.
    Don’t forget the unelected bureaucrats.

  11. Answerman Cooper NOVEMBER 18, 2020 AT 9:07 AM
    “Globalist problem: The jig is up and President Trump is going to win re-election.
    Globalist solution: Lockdown 3.0”

    …if it goes that way, they may release an ACTUALLY deadly virus the NEXT time, this was just a dry run to see what they could get with no ACTUAL risk to themselves.

    And you can see how they KNOW it when they congregate together in show funerals, or in Hawaii, or go to their stylist with no mask on. THEY know this was fake, but the NEXT one may NOT be.

    …Do you know why poison gas, used widely in WWI, was NOT used in WWII? Partly it was because Hitler, a corporal in WWI was hit by the stuff and it was so nasty that even HE refused to use it, at least in warfare (helpless prisoners were a different story), but mostly because it was an indifferent weapon that drifted with the wind and didn’t necessarily go where it was SUPPOSED to, so it killed freind and foe alike and use by EITHER side demoralized BOTH sides.

    That’s why they haven’t used REAL deadly viruses.


    …however, these are NOT sane people we are dealing with. If they do not get their way as quickly as they would like, they may well take a Pyrrhic corse and unleash a GENUINE plauge, even at risk to THEMSELVES, out of hatred and spite for those who would deny them what THEY think is their right to rule lesser men.

    Milton knew them well. “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven” is one of the few actual codes they live by, and they do not care if the cities are reduced to rubble and the citizens to infected animals as long as THEY can RULE them.

    …But perhaps a better line is from Melville, “Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee”. I do not doubt that they are SO consumed by hatred that this is true of them as well.

    With people as psychotic as this, and determined as this, and filled with such reckless and all-consuming hatred, there can be no unity, no reconciliation, and no possility of peace.

    They die.

    Or we do.

    There are no other options.

    And while we can continue to pretend that there ARE,

    …THEY have quit pretending some time ago.

    And may show it with a TRUE plauge if they are not destroyed first.

    …Food for thought…

  12. I believe Trump will use the insurrection act, and I believe he has put the right people in the right places. I believe the CIA was cut out of briefings a few days ago. Wray and the FBI don’t matter, Trump knows they are corrupted. I’m still trusting the plan. For this mornings fun, I’m calling ben sasse again, before anybody starts shooting.


    Lame left out Karl Marx I mean Rove.
    The entire Rove/Bush syndicate has hated Don for 5 years. They all told us 5×5. – loud and clear – Oct 16 vote Clinton. GWB’s speech attacking Don at the big Joe rally in Atlanta this July did not mention those he praised (ANTIFA , BLM) by name; nor the xenophobic, racist he smeared )Don) by name. but it was clear to all members of JOURNO and they self identified by their group think articles on the speech: GWB is a – “Class Act”, Classy guy, man of class.

    ALL the speakers in Atlanta 7/20 were ant Don; ALL OPF THEM! GWB was 1 of many.


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