Wisconsin: Disability Service Coordinator Blows Whistle on Vote Fraud in Group Homes – IOTW Report

Wisconsin: Disability Service Coordinator Blows Whistle on Vote Fraud in Group Homes

Newstalk1130: Susan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Client after client, developmentally disabled person after developmentally disabled person all told the same story: Their vote was stolen from them.

Susan, a disability service coordinator who works with developmentally disabled adults who live in various assisted living facilities and group homes in and around Milwaukee, says every one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Democratic candidate Joe Biden or had a vote cast for Biden before they ever had a chance to see their ballot.

“I haven’t been able to see them in person since March because of COVID, but we do Zoom calls regularly,” said Susan, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, as she fears reprisal for coming forward. “Right after the election, one of my clients said that he voted for Biden but didn’t want to.”

Susan was confused, so she asked him what he meant.

“He told me that he was sad Biden won because Biden would make his social security payments go down,” Susan explained in an extensive interview with “The Dan O’Donnell Show.” “I asked him why he voted for Biden if he was worried about that and he said that one of his helpers had filled out his ballot for him.” read more

13 Comments on Wisconsin: Disability Service Coordinator Blows Whistle on Vote Fraud in Group Homes

  1. In the article, the whistle blower said “It’s really frustrating that they take advantage….”

    It’s actually very ILLEGAL that they take advantage!

    I hope that as there are more reports of fraudsters “facing up to 15 years in prison for voting fraud” come out, that more and more whistle blowers come forward if, for no other reason, they fear being found complicit in the fraud. This woman’s report may be legitimate, but how many social workers do you know (or guess) are Republican? If she had been having regular Zoom visits with her clients, doesn’t it seem the subject of this coercion come up before this?

    I hate being cynical.

  2. Hey democRATs!! I got news for ya!
    Running a mentally defective candidate for office does not give you the right to take advantage of the developmentally disabled you Low-Rent Pieces Of Shit!!

  3. I found this PDF file, updated on 10/28/20, of Wisconsin’s gov’t funded group homes for the aged, drug addicted and developmentally disabled. It is 289 pages long with an average of 10 group homes per page, with most listing their capacity as 4 per home. That’s 40 beds per page X 289 = 11,560 potential votes for Biden.

    Golly, that’s 2,890 group homes in Wisconsin! Even that figure seems very large. And it doens’t include all the group homes in Wisconsin for children between the ages of 11-17. Does anyone in Wisconsin live at home with parents or their own families?



  4. I’m not surprised after having worked at Lakeland Village in Medical Lake, Wa., a state institution for developmentally disabled people (who used to be called retards) back in the late 90’s. The place was run by an incompetent admin. staff who were were not good people, the underlings who actually took care of these people were good for the most part, the admin. sucked as did the the govt. Union which was corrupt. I made it one year there and they fired me just as I finished my one year probation period. I hate political correctness of any kind especially when run by incompetent jerks who tried to make the place their own little fiefdom just so they could make a handsome salary at govt. expense for themselves and their lackeys.

  5. This is nothing new. I worked mental health for almost fifteen years — 5 years private, 10 years for the state — and staff routinely fill out ballots in the name of patients. You got a kid who’s non-verbal, can’t feed himself, can’t dress himself, needs 24-7 care, but he’s over 18 so he gets a ballot and “votes”. Now multiply that by tens of thousands.

  6. Yep, it’s called “Normalization” and supposedly the “social workers” and “care coordinators” choose the right person (political party giving up biggest payments) to vote for. After all it’s for the client (wink wink).

    I have set in care coordinating meetings and have staff discuss who is best to vote for. After all voting is such an abstract process that requires logic and reasoning, right?

  7. …I spent a lot of time in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and picking up the poorly thought-out refugees of our mental heath system from ill-trained group homes, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that none of these are a population that’s difficult to confuse or frighten, since confused and frightened is pretty much their natural state, and they’ve been signing documents for so long that they’ll sign pretty much anything without reading it, like a constant series of trust falls, but MUCH more dangerous. The crazy and challenged largely can’t read, or understand if they can; the elderly has generally lost their ability to read and doesn’t always have the cognative faculties to understand what they read, either.

    And if they acted this way about MEDICAL documents that directly affect their LIVES, I would imagine they would be MUCH more cavalier about voting as they probably don’t know or care ANYTHING about the candidates and have mostly been voting party line for so long that that’s what they’ll do, come Harris or high water…

    This “vote getting” thing was nakedly apparent when the Black churches organized to elect Barry in 2008 and again in 2012. They would actually collect old people for the specific reason of “helping” them fill out ballots, even organize parties around it…at CHURCHES, by CHURCHES, and usually with the reverend in attendance…and NO ONE, not even the IRS dared question it because, Black. They also would drive those to the polls that didn’t want to be absentee, and again they would send a “Helper” in with them to make sure the ballots were filled out the “right way”.

    One of the orientation questions that were in use back in the day to establish if someone was “oriented x3”, meaning mentally competent to make their own medical decisions, was “Do you know who’s President now?”.

    I got FDR and LBJ more times than I care to think about, some 20 years after LBJ died. FAIL.

    …but that was for medical evaluation.

    I am guessing that if someone were to get that response from an elderly person they were “helping” with a ballot, they would say, “That’s RIGHT honey! FDR is still President, and can be for another 4 years if only you check this box marked JOE BIDEN!”

    To the best of my knowledge, there IS no impairment test for voting.

    And with the group home folks, it kind of depended on the day you got ’em, or even the hour. I generally wasn’t called upon for emergency transport of NON crazy people from such facilites, but they could seem very lucid and very aware of what’s up with that one minute, then during transport start complaining about the explosions going on out the back window and become very frightened that they’ve lost all their pets (there were no explosions, and there may have been pets, but they didn’t die in explosions on those days at any rate if their WERE.). I generally didn’t have political discussions with them, because trying to set the neighbor’s house on fire because you thought he was a demon was not political, but they did tend to be generally malleable towards authority figures because so much of their lives they had been told what to do. I never collected signatures from this group because the police had ALREADY found them crazy and gave me an affidavit to that effect, but it would not have been difficult to get them to compliantly sign anything, were I stupid enough to remove the restraints to get them to do so and unethical enough to WANT them to do so. Political harvesters wouldn’t have any ethical compunctions about this, though, and would probably just tell them to sign, and they would sign.

    It IS amazing, though, that we DO have tests that can cause people to lose their legal right to have a say over the management of their own bodies, but NO test to determine if they are compenent to vote.

    And not competent to vote is EXACTLY what the Democrats need…


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