Fed Official Warns More Hikes May Be Needed Because Inflation Is Still Too High – IOTW Report

Fed Official Warns More Hikes May Be Needed Because Inflation Is Still Too High

The Federal Reserve should be prepared to raise rates further because inflation remains too high and the labor market too tight, Fed Governor Michelle Bowman said in a speech Friday.

Bowman added that recent data on inflation, which many economists saw as paving the way for the Fed to halt interest rate hikes, has not provided evidence that inflation is receding.

“In my view, the most recent CPI and employment reports have not provided consistent evidence that inflation is on a downward path, and I will continue to closely monitor the incoming data as I consider the appropriate stance of monetary policy going into our June meeting,” Bowman said at a European Central Bank conference in Frankfurt. “Should inflation remain high and the labor market remain tight, additional monetary policy tightening will likely be appropriate to attain a sufficiently restrictive stance of monetary policy to lower inflation over time.”

Markets have been pricing in a series of rate cuts after a brief pause this summer. Bowman’s remarks appear designed to push the market off of this view by warning the central bank could resume hiking later this year.

15 Comments on Fed Official Warns More Hikes May Be Needed Because Inflation Is Still Too High

  1. “Maybe pulling the plug on the printing presses might help.”

    Yeah, but what about the Retarded Pedophile Usurper and Zelenskyy?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Inflation is a gov’t tool.
    Borrow at par, repay in inflated currency.
    Old as the Roman Empire.
    It’s being driven by the Fed – for all the reasons mentioned and also to re-pay the chinks and other gov’t bondholders.
    This is why the gov’t continues to raise the debt “ceiling” – which, of course, isn’t a “ceiling” at all if it can be raised.

    They are, with purpose and malice aforethought, impoverishing this once-great nation, and not coincidentally, destroying western civilization at the same time.

    Tin-foil hat? The evidence is right in front of your face.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Middle class going going gone.
    By the elections things will be undeniable what they have done. The left will need a really big squirrel to stop the pay back no matter the cheat. Just saying.

  4. ^^^^^ IG and GAB are full of video of FEDS in full kit, sporting M4’s loading Military aged men on buses. The FEDS are there protecting the illegals from the press. WTF is going on? You can find some coverage over at Western Rifle shooter. To be clear, no kids, no woman.

  5. Inflation is a tax that nobody votes on, it’s as simple as that. That’s what they like about it. Then they vote themselves a raise to cover the difference in their buying power. Unfortunately, we can’t do the same thing.
    If this goes to its logical conclusion the little people will be eating their pets to stay alive.

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