Federal agencies push ‘midnight’ rule-making flurry under Obama – IOTW Report

Federal agencies push ‘midnight’ rule-making flurry under Obama

CSM: With less than two months before US President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, federal agencies under President Obama are pushing for a final flurry of new rules – despite the high likelihood that many will not survive.

President Obama is heading into his administration’s final weeks with a full agenda of new draft orders to consider, even though his successor has vowed to scale back job-killing regulation and cancel “all illegal and overreaching executive orders.”

Despite the likelihood that US President-elect Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress would kill any controversial late-in-the-game moves by Mr. Obama, federal agencies under the Democratic president are pushing for a flurry of so-called “midnight” regulations on everything from the environment to transportation and financial marketplaces.

The White House was reviewing as many as 98 final regulations , as of Nov. 15, that could be implemented before Mr. Trump takes office, including 17 with an estimated annual economic impact of $100 million or more, Politico reported. But lawmakers have warned agency heads to avoid rushing to finalize rules or regulations before Obama leaves office.


SNIP: Fun factoid- Midnight Rule is also 0bama’s safe word.

15 Comments on Federal agencies push ‘midnight’ rule-making flurry under Obama

  1. This is the same kind of childishness as those l’il bastards who wipe boogers on the walls or those retards who wipe their asses and stick the soiled toilet paper to the stall walls (I was a plumber – yes – it happens).

    The only (respectable) response is for men of substance to remain calm and undo the filth and foolishness.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yep, leftist tools throwing their crap hoping something stucks. None of this deperate, knee jerk attempt to maintain significance will work. Trump will eliminate in mass a regulation midnight raid by the Obama administration.
    @Tim, ditto. I was a housekeeper (worked in offices, schools and homes) for 5 years. The stories I could tell – Wow.

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