Federal Agency ‘Lost’ Receipts for $155k in Credit Card Purchases – IOTW Report

Federal Agency ‘Lost’ Receipts for $155k in Credit Card Purchases

Based Politics: While millions of hardworking Americans must take pains to keep track of hundreds of receipts each year for their tax filings, the Department of Interior lost track of documentation for $155,575 worth of purchases last year.

When government employees make expenditures with tax dollars, they are required to keep track of receipts. But according to a DOI Inspector General Report, that didn’t happen for 74 of 149 transactions that the inspector general reviewed. That’s about half of all transactions totaling $155,575. Without the proper documentation, there’s no way to know if this money went to legitimate purchases, or if it was spent on wasteful or self-serving pet projects.

The transactions that were reviewed were 149 high-risk pandemic-related card transactions, some of which were funded through the CARES Act. more

13 Comments on Federal Agency ‘Lost’ Receipts for $155k in Credit Card Purchases

  1. “…there’s no way to know if this money went to legitimate purchases, or if it was spent on wasteful or self-serving pet projects.”

    …yes there is.

    Is is Government spending?

    Then it IS for wasteful and self-serving pet projects.


  2. I expect no less from any governmental agency, but $155k is peanuts relatively speaking. I’d much rather delve into Congress members offshore bank statements.

  3. That is pocket change compared to the Pentagon and HUD whose combined amount of lost money equals more than 20 billion because of this little accounting trick called Undefined Ledger Adjustments. And that 20 billion was in one year alone. They do this every day of every year.


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