Federal Agents Discover Whole Fetuses in ‘Body Broker’s’ Warehouse – IOTW Report

Federal Agents Discover Whole Fetuses in ‘Body Broker’s’ Warehouse

Breitbart: Photographs obtained by Reuters reveal that federal agents found four preserved human fetuses four years ago in the warehouse of a man who sold human body parts.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

According to the report, federal agents found the four whole human fetuses in December 2013 during a raid of a warehouse owned by Arthur Rathburn, a former body broker who has been accused of defrauding purchasers by sending them diseased body parts.

Rathburn has reportedly pleaded not guilty to the charge and faces a trial in January.

The fetuses appeared to have been in the second trimester of their mothers’ pregnancies and were reportedly submerged in a fluid that included human brain tissue.

Reuters continues:

How Rathburn acquired the fetuses and what he intended to do with them is unclear. Rathburn’s lawyers did not respond to requests for comment, and neither the indictment nor other documents made public in his case mention the fetuses.

In its caption of the photos of the fetuses, Reuters’ editors note the wire service “has pixelated this image; editors judged the original image to be disturbingly graphic.”

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) – chairman of the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives – was shown the photographs of the fetuses and reportedly “recoiled” when a Reuters reporter revealed them.

“This needs to be reviewed,” she said, adding that the discoveries draw further attention to the practices of those procuring human body parts. more here

SNIP: Graphic photo at the link.

7 Comments on Federal Agents Discover Whole Fetuses in ‘Body Broker’s’ Warehouse

  1. The average leftist would tell you that what is obviously a tiny, underdeveloped human being shown in that photo is nothing more than an amorphous clump of cells that has no intrinsic value from a moral perspective. Denying reality is the only way they can convince themselves that their entire worldview and belief system isn’t pure evil.

  2. I remember this being reported by local (Detroit) news stations 3 or 4 years ago. That this is just now garnering national attention is just as disgusting as the story itself.

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