‘Federal agents were at the home of Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) on Wednesday evening conducting official law enforcement activity’ – IOTW Report

‘Federal agents were at the home of Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) on Wednesday evening conducting official law enforcement activity’

Daily Wire: The FBI did not state what they were doing at the residence other than “conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity.”

“The FBI cannot provide further comment on an ongoing investigation,” FBI spokesperson Rosanne Hughes said.

Cuellar’s office released a statement on Wednesday night, saying, “Congressman Cuellar will fully cooperate in any investigation. He is committed to ensuring that justice and the law are upheld.”

Investigative reporter Valerie Gonzalez tweeted out photographs from the residence, writing: “FBI still present at the home of Rep. Henry Cuellar’s in Laredo.” more here

18 Comments on ‘Federal agents were at the home of Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) on Wednesday evening conducting official law enforcement activity’

  1. Once he went against the dems, he pretty much sealed his own fate. Hopefully he removed any valuable information from the premises and it is now in a safe place. Before long, he will either disappear or have an “R” after his name.

  2. Although honestly, I don’t know why they even bother destroying evidence any more.

    It’s not like the Democrat courts will hear it.

    It’s not like the Democrat media will report it.

    It’s not like Democrat Congressional Committes will take it up.

    It’s not like the Democrat DOJ will pursue it.

    …I think the only reason they still do it and we hear THIS much about it is as a warning to anyone else who gets out of line and laying the groundwork to make them Soviet style unpersons in the Party…

  3. “conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity.”
    Did they (FBI) lie to get the court authorization like they did to the FISA court?
    After the FISA thing I cannot fathom why ANY judge (or at least any honest judge) would issue a warrant on the “testimony” of the FBI.

    I don’t know Mr. Cuellar, or what he’s been up to, but I DO KNOW that the FBI is a criminal organization (not that Mr. Cuellar’s not a criminal, too).

    “A pox on both their houses!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Well, lookee here, boass. Looks like we gots us some kiddie porn.”

    ‘Those are dancing cat vidoes.’

    “Hold up.” (plays a bit of pocket pool::pulls out another flash drive::swaps with first flash drive::everybody rolls eyes while waiting)

    “Well, lookee here, boass. Looks like we gots us some kiddie porn.”

  5. The FBI needs to be wiped clean, all the way down to the janitors who clean their office buildings.
    Then go for ATF, FDA, EPA(hell they’re not even the biggest problem anymore), IRS, CIA, CDC, NIH, DOE, DHS. I’m sure I’ve left many out. Pretty much ever department needs to go.

  6. Tim – FJB
    JANUARY 20, 2022 AT 9:12 AM
    ‘“conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity.”
    Did they (FBI) lie to get the court authorization like they did to the FISA court?’

    …well, I’m sure the FISA Court levied a terrible penalty because of the embarrassment they suffered for acting on a lie.

    (Does some seaches).

    Huh. Nothing. No penalty at all, not so much as an indictment.

    …yep, sure makes you trust the whole Fibbie warrant thing, yes sir…


  7. @Tim – FJB January 20, 2022 at 9:12 am

    > After the FISA thing I cannot fathom why ANY judge (or at least any honest judge) would issue a warrant on the “testimony” of the FBI.

    Asked and answered.

    (For the STEM Barbies: Snarky? Sure. Try and “unpack” [love that smaht soundy word]. You swear your “sacred” honor to obey all edicts from your co-religionists. As long as it’s on the proper bull. You know at least “some” of your co-religionists are corrupt. That makes you…? Come on Barbie, it’s not that hard.)

  8. SNS: So apparently, now the first step in unseating a pro-life, pro-gun democrat, is to send in the FBI to plant evidence, so they can arrest him. Was the NYT and MSNBC tipped off on the raid?


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