Federal Bureau of Criminal Coverup – IOTW Report

Federal Bureau of Criminal Coverup

The Federalist

The FBI, which had known Hunter Biden’s laptop was authentic since 2019, admitted to Twitter that it was real on the day the New York Post published its reporting on the laptop — but then switched its narrative to “no further comment” and refused to acknowledge the laptop’s veracity to any other Big Tech companies ahead of the 2020 election, according to July 17 testimony from Laura Dehmlow, the section chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF). More

6 Comments on Federal Bureau of Criminal Coverup

  1. They started with the academics, moved on to politicians, gov agencies, the media, military and now even the clergy.

    We now know many people will do what they’re told.

    We’re the only thing in the way.

  2. GWB intended to make FBi the anti Regan Stasi when Herr Mueller was commissioned 22 years ago. herr Mueller followed orders! The FBI’s not been a “crime Fighter” for 22 year. Unless, like GWB, you think liking Rlonny s a crime, then FBi has been par excellence!

    Conservatives have said “Do away with FBi, fire all! ” for decades.

    Don made many mistakes But not killing the FBi was his worst!

  3. The FBI is a criminal organization and has been since its inception.
    Apparently, GWB and Mueller transformed it into a TREASNOUS criminal organization.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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