Federal Charges Expected For Rand Paul’s Attacker – IOTW Report

Federal Charges Expected For Rand Paul’s Attacker

Daily Caller: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has been told to expect federal charges against his socialist neighbor who attacked the Republican senator last week, Fox News’ Shepard Smith reported on Thursday.

That prosecutors are expected to bring federal charges in the attack indicates that they may believe it was politically motivated, Smith reported. Previous media reports that the attack was over a long-standing dispute are inaccurate, Paul’s office has said.

Paul’s attacker, 59-year-old anesthesiologist Rene Boucher, has claimed that the assault on Paul was over a “trivial matter” and had “nothing to do” with politics.

Boucher’s neighbors described him as an avowed socialist known for getting into heated political arguments. Boucher’s Facebook page revealed him to hold fervent anti-Trump beliefs, stating in one post that he hopes Special Counsel Robert Mueller will “fry Trump’s gonads.”

“My family has lived here for six years now. In all the years that I have been on board we have never had any complaints at all about anything from them or against the Pauls,” one neighbor, Shawn Parker, told TheDC.  read more here

38 Comments on Federal Charges Expected For Rand Paul’s Attacker

  1. I don’t care what the matter was, whether trivial or not, whether personal or political. The result was extreme violence and there is no justification for that. This man has no excuse.

  2. Since the puke is also a member of the Hate America Club (Obama is President) I suggest he also be charged with a hate crime for attacking a patriotic American!

  3. We are just beginning to see the result of cognitive dissonance upon liberal brains. Many will lash out in violence because in their minds it’s OK to attack “Nazis”. They will continue to make excuses rather than adjust their beliefs.

  4. I think this guy is probably crazy enough to kill his patients based on their political leanings. He needs to be locked up and his medical license revoked before he starts to do so.

  5. As I read 18 U.S. Code § 351 (e), there’s no requirement as to motivation for an attack with injury on a member of congress to buy you a tenner in the slammer. I’m sure there are other laws that apply, but this one looks to me like the starting point.

  6. If this is due to political differences it is a felony? Why? i obviously don’t condone assault but there should not be a difference. Whatever the crime is, the result is the same REGARDLESS of the reason for the attack. i am not a fan of ‘hate’ crimes legislation/designation either.

  7. This is where I agree FELONY charges should be brought. It will be plea-bargained down no doubt, but 6 cracked / broken ribs? I would demand that if it were me.

    Rand is a thin / frail man, but that’s a damn hard tackle to do that kind of damage.

  8. The thing that bugs me about this is the fact that if it had been just some average Joe Citizen who got attacked, whether politically motivated or not, Federal charges would never be brought up. Attack a POLITICIAN (AKA an untouchable), and clutch the pearls, the .gov goes into overdrive to make sure that one of the unwashed masses never, ever dares to even think about violence against a brother/sister politician. Two different sets of rules; one for the elite, and one for the peons. (Hint: If you are not a celebrity, politician or a multimillionaire or better, then you’re a peon)

  9. Just wondering if there is another underlying motivation also. I read that he’s also a pain mgmt doc also. Some of those guys hand out narcotic scripts like candy. There is a new war on these scrtpt drugs.

  10. @Jane, I thought about the Rx-opioids aspect too. Asked a doctor friend who says those days of hanging out pain Meds are gone. In part, Obamacare and stricter insurance monitoring (insurance companies are happy to have any excuse not to pay).

    MDs are often drug abusers. Would be curious to know what was in this Lefty’s bloodstream when he worked up courage to attack from behind.
    6 broken ribs? By an MD? That’s premeditated. Maximum pain inflicted in a few seconds, just short of fatal.
    Loan shark intimidation tactics.

    I haven’t seen any mention of home security video. Has anybody else?

  11. You can launder $100 of Millions through your foundation, get American’s killed in Benghazi, set up pay to play schemes for government contracts and grants, be incompetent, illegally destroy evidence, breach National Security, commit perjury, fund islamic terrorists and be called careless by the FBI.

    But you tackle a US Senator there will be federal charges and possible 10 year sentence.

    What’s wrong with this picture?

  12. For those that figure there’s a two tiered justice system at work when you’re a politician you’re right and it’s for a good reason. Making the attack on a sitting federal or state politician liable to heavier penalties then a standard citizen is to afford the politician greater degree of protection. If that wasn’t in place you could go up to a Senator whose policies you didn’t like and break his nose knowing you’d get a month or two in jail whereas the politician would now be concerned about what’s going to appear around any corner or whether his vote is going to incite a beating. They need to be free of any intimidation (except from the ballot box or the law) to do their jobs properly. This doc tried to stomp out a sitting member of the Senate and should get at least 10 years in Federal prison and a lifetime of parole.

  13. No, I’m not advocating violence.

    But I do see some merit in kicking the crap out of McCONnel, McCain, Murkowski, Graham, Schumer, Dick Durbin, Stabenow, Eliz. Warren, Berie Sanders and about 50 other US Senators.

    After that, we can concentrate on the House.

  14. The reason behind the attack is pertinent because of this guy’s virulent, violent political mindset. We have seen what the Left is capable of where this is involved (Steve Scalise). There is every reason to believe that this could well escalate to something far worse if this guy is not incarcerated.

  15. I’m smiling at federal charges because that means he needs a federal attorney. Federal attorneys bill at $200 to $1,000.00 hour. Of course a good one will bill at $1,000 plus.
    He will probably lose his license to practice and a good chunk of any money he has earned over the years. His punishment will go on forever.

  16. @ Rufus T. Firefly
    I agree totally. They should have done a blood test on him.

    There still are some pain docs who are chomping at the bit to prescribe pain killers. My GP sent me to one a couple of years ago who looked unsettled when after two minutes of talking offered me opiods and I said no way. I wanted an extended script for physical therapy. 🙂 The people in the waiting room all looked stoned.

  17. Fry that socialists gonads! Take his livelihood away! Pull his license to practice medicine. I wouldn’t trust being put under by that asshole! Put his ass in prison and see who gets their gonads fried. He’ll need some anal work done when he’s finished serving his time.

  18. Early on, Rene was described as “retired” physician. 61 is pretty young for an anesthesiologist to retire, unless he screwed up, can’t get insurance, and was asked to “retire”. Regardless of the charges, Rand needs to sue this asshole into bankruptcy.

  19. Eugenia November 10, 2017 at 11:36 am

    He needs 10 minutes of Louisville Slugger therapy to his ribs, knees and head.

    Euginia, you are obviously too sweet and/or innocent for this.

    It doesn’t take more than one swing when you know what you’re doing.

    10 minutes? You’re beating a dead horse, so to speak.

    Rufus T. Firefly November 10, 2017 at 11:17 am

    6 broken ribs? By an MD? That’s premeditated.


    May the lawyer be good enough to think of this. It should be obvious that a doctor knows exactly where to inflict the most damage. Notice the doc didn’t break any knuckles by swinging at Rand’s bony face/skull area with his fists – like one would in the heat of passion. Premeditated is right.

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