Federal Court Clears The Way For Church Services To Resume In Kentucky – IOTW Report

Federal Court Clears The Way For Church Services To Resume In Kentucky

OAN: A federal court has granted a temporary restraining order in Kentucky, which will allow in-person church services to resume in the state. The Friday ruling prevented Governor Andy Beshear’s administration from enforcing the ban on mass gatherings, including in-person church services that followed CDC guidelines.

Beshear previously announced that church congregations could return to their places of worship beginning May 20th, but cautioned against returning before they were prepared. read more

8 Comments on Federal Court Clears The Way For Church Services To Resume In Kentucky

  1. ” … especially about the safety of the most vulnerable population … ”

    The “most vulnerable population” knows who they are and how to protect themselves, it should be left up to their own discretion and decision about whether they need it and how to do it.

  2. @Bayouwulf – Say bingo(!) bud, ya nailed it.

    But yet Barr will say ” we don’t give up our rights during a Plandemic” so WTF is going on then?!?!

    Churches should do a collective law suit against their own State, Cities, Towns and Villages…

    We listened to Mass this morning on Fordam U radio. The pastor actually said, that he was actually ‘concerned’ about the ‘hero’ talk with the ems’s (they signed up for it he said) and then he took that and started to talk about his own mother and how she and other mothers are our collective heroes. Second part seemed the natural way to go, but I was just about shocked that he mentioned what heroes are, the everyday ones.

  3. For decades all we heard from the left was CIVIL RIGHTS for this minority group and that minority group. Now that all of our rights are lost where is the left?

  4. @jellybean May 10, 2020 at 11:05 am

    > The sad part is, crap like this should NEVER have to end up in court.

    Loyal patriots know, that patriotism is built on loyalty. And loyalty requires obeying the chain of command, just following orders. It’s not patriots fault the official proclamation that “This enough, is finally enough, enough” wasn’t texted, by officially official Presidential SMS, to their Party authorized tracking device.

    Now, praise X-d, and pass the cofefe.


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