Federal Court Orders Los Angeles To Pay NRA a Six-Figure Settlement For Violating Organization’s First Amendment Rights – IOTW Report

Federal Court Orders Los Angeles To Pay NRA a Six-Figure Settlement For Violating Organization’s First Amendment Rights

Earlier this week, a federal court ruled that Los Angeles had to pay the National Rifle Association (NRA) over $100K due to the city’s violation of the group’s First Amendment rights. story

6 Comments on Federal Court Orders Los Angeles To Pay NRA a Six-Figure Settlement For Violating Organization’s First Amendment Rights

  1. Los Angeles and the people living there are immensely wealthy, $150,000 is a meaninglessly small amount to them, the equivalent of pocket change for most of the country.

  2. Our constitution is under 24/7 attacks and these small fines just do nothing to slow the attacks. The fines and punishments need to send painful messages to would be attackers to set them back on their heels and give new assalts second and third thoughts.


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