Federal Drug and Alcohol Testing For Rail Workers Found Wanting – IOTW Report

Federal Drug and Alcohol Testing For Rail Workers Found Wanting

Just the News

newly released federal watchdog report has found numerous “weaknesses” in the Federal Railroad Administration’s mandatory drug-and-alcohol testing plans – including problems with the FRA’s review and approval of the plans and “outdated” oversight.

The department’s Office of Inspector General report audited 102 FDA drug and alcohol testing plans for engineers and other workers – finding 51% of those reviewed and approved by the FDA were incomplete and failed to include key regulatory elements. More

6 Comments on Federal Drug and Alcohol Testing For Rail Workers Found Wanting

  1. I knew a couple of engineers who quit when they started testing. One couldn’t give up his weed, the other his morning 6 pack.
    By the way poppy seed buns don’t make you test positive.


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