Carrying on the long tradition of Bill Proxmire’s (WI D) Golden Fleece awards and Tom Coburn’s (OK R) Wastebook, Senator James Lankford (OK R) has produced this year’s list of government programs that waste money, called the Federal Fumbles.
Among the offending projects that were funded with taxpayer money
– A silent Shakespeare production
– A study on the dating habits of the elderly
– A study of what bugs do when the lights are turn on
The Fickle Federal Finger of Fate or how the hard-working, overtaxed-payer gets diddled by the dangling domestic dong of destiny!
All spending of federal tax dollars starts with and is approved by the illustrious agents that you elect (and most often reelect over and over again) Also, all taxation levied on your hard earned money starts with and is approved by the illustrious agents that
you elect (and most often elect over and over again)!
That would be all government programs. Don’t need no stinking list.