Federal Government Can’t Fix Public Schools, Betsy DeVos Says – IOTW Report

Federal Government Can’t Fix Public Schools, Betsy DeVos Says

Daily Signal. “I want to tell everyone today you are either for children or against children when it comes to educational freedom and choice in education.”

So said Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, who spoke Thursday with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos at the Conservative Political Action Conference about the need to bring more education opportunities to America’s children.

Conway said support for school choice is broad among the general public, yet a deep partisan divide exists on the issue, as the Trump administration has found.

“There is no ‘but,’ there is no excuse, there is no talk of ‘But the teacher unions … ,’” she told the CPAC crowd. “You are either helping these brown and black and rural children get more opportunities, or you’re not.” read more

11 Comments on Federal Government Can’t Fix Public Schools, Betsy DeVos Says

  1. “Conway … told the CPAC crowd. ‘You are either helping these brown and black and rural children get more opportunities, or you’re not.'”

    THAT RIGHT THERE is part of the problem. The biggest obstacle to school reform is the assumption that schools today are as dedicated to content and learning as back when we all went to school. The problem isn’t schools for brown, black or rural kids, it’s virtually ALL schools infected with constructivism, including those for white and suburban kids.

  2. Jimmy Carter’s Dept. of Ed. creation did a treamendous job of wrecking them since the 70’s. Hell, in Baltimore City
    today they can’t find a HS “graduate” that can read after
    wasting $18K on every one of them every year they are in “skool”.

  3. I’m glad to finally hear from DeVos. Her CPAC comments help to explain why, when you visit her department’s web page, there’s nothing there except info about how the DoEd is making college student loans easier to get and about new online methods to set up a repayment plan for its “customers.” There doesn’t seem to be anything about how Common Core has been ended.

    It also seems to me that if the Federal gov’t is giving so much money to local/state schools, it should have a great deal to say about how that money is spent. The DoEd continues to be one of the biggest parts of the problem of public education. Schools today are being run as indoctrination centers and free daycare for kids who are unable to learn (kids who are completely autistic to those who have debilitating personality disorders). I have a friend who is a TA (one of about 20 in her elementary school) who is there just to keep classrooms of “developmentally disabled” and “learning challenged” kids from killing each other on a daily basis. These are kids who will never be able to hold a job or live on their own. They should never be in a public school.


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