Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration Public Charge Rule From Taking Effect – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration Public Charge Rule From Taking Effect

OAN: A federal judge is blocking the Trump administration’s new public charge rule from taking effect next week. In the Friday ruling, New York Judge George Daniels accused the White House of not “adequately explaining” why the new policy is necessary.

“It is repugnant to the American Dream of the opportunity for prosperity, success through hard work and upward mobility,” said the judge. “Immigrants have always come to this country seeking a better life for themselves and their posterity — with or without help, most succeed.”

The rule change would expand the list of benefits for which an immigrant can be denied a green card. This includes reliance on certain programs like Medicaid, food stamps and public housing. more here

24 Comments on Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration Public Charge Rule From Taking Effect

  1. What about MY dream of living in a country that is safe from illegals and the crimes they bring with them and my dream of NOT having to pay for such bullshit with MY tax-dollars??

  2. “… repugnant to the American Dream of the opportunity for prosperity, success through hard work and upward mobility,” said the judge. “Immigrants have always …”

    Whenever someone uses a phrase similar to: “immigrants have always” which contains an absolute (“always”) that cannot be proven, it’s always a lie.
    (see what I did, there?)

    An what manner of judge uses a “dream,” instead of the law, to formulate a ruling? Again – disingenuousness – another lie.

    The “judge” should be impeached, removed from the bench, and dis-barred.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Presidential Immigration oder on hold, again…
    Another aresol judge from NY can’t read.
    This SJW needs another job,
    When this judgement is overturned,
    This fool should resign with no retirement payable,
    Plain and simple judicial harassment of the President,
    The FIB should arrest this bastard at his house at 3am.

  4. @jellybean October 12, 2019 at 12:53 pm

    > What about MY dream of living in a country that is safe from illegals and the crimes they bring with them and my dream of NOT having to pay for such bullshit with MY tax-dollars??

    That dream is called “secession”

  5. Tim
    OCTOBER 12, 2019 AT 12:56 PM

    ‘The “judge” should be impeached, removed from the bench, and dis-barred.’

    …and disemboweled while we’re at it, just so we can REALLY see where these “opinions” are coming from…

  6. Appointed by Bill Clinton, clerked for Chief Justice Rose Bird of the Supreme Court of California. That says it all. Question: Do the plaintiffs have legal standing on immigration policies? Doesn’t look like it.

  7. They can overturn this, too. It’s ridiculous. I can remember in the 70’s where before you came in you had to swear you would have a sponsor and you would NOT use public funds, because your sponsored would be fined and you would be sent back.

  8. Back just before WWII a Canadian made his way to California to join the Marines so he could fight the Japanese.

    He was fined $50 and deported!

    The “judge” wasn’t whining about his “dreams” or what immigrants “always” wanted.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The judge in his ruling should be required to note his definition of ‘Immigrant’. As long as the ‘Immigrant’ fills out the forms, go about it in the right way, no issue from me. Judges not having defined this, the ruling should be ignored with no enforcement from the start.
    Lazy, catch all morons such as this, that never should have been appointed, have learned from their illegal vote grubbing appointers, to forget about the proper words like ‘Illegal Trespassers’ in their overview.
    Sorry for the rant (to all here) however note: Wishing to be called a racist, I reached out to the Judge,,,
    ‘Judge George, are we still on for Ribs before the screenings of your new show on the CW?’

  10. @MJA
    Exactly! When my wife came here from Kazakhstan, I had to sign a ream of documents stating that I’d be held accountable for her in every way and that the US Government would not afford her any aid whatsoever. Then again, she is a white, college educated, disease free woman and not a brown, uneducated, disease infested future Democrat voter.


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