Federal Judge Gives Green Light To Lawsuit Against Trump’s ‘Racist’ Cancellation Of TPS – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Gives Green Light To Lawsuit Against Trump’s ‘Racist’ Cancellation Of TPS

DC: A federal judge in Boston is allowing a lawsuit against the Trump administration’s ending of temporary protections for immigrants to proceed on the grounds the decisions were motivated by racial prejudice.

U.S. District Judge Denise Casper rejected Monday the government’s bid to dismiss the lawsuit, which a group of immigrants and civil rights organizations filed in February in response to the cancellation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti and El Salvador.

Statements by administration officials — including President Donald Trump — make it plausible that “a discriminatory purpose was a motivating factor in a decision” to wind down TPS protections, Casper said.

“Plaintiffs have successfully made out their prima facie case,” she wrote in a ruling that allows the lawsuit to go forward, according to Reuters.

TPS is a humanitarian relief program that offers work permits and a temporary reprieve from deportation to foreign nationals of countries affected by war, natural disaster or some other extraordinary crisis. Though it is not intended to be a permanent solution, TPS has in some cases turned into a de facto immigration program for people from countries that have held the designation for decades.

The Trump administration in January rescinded TPS for El Salvador, which was given the designation in 2001 after a series of destructive earthquakes. Roughly 200,000 Salvadoran nationals living in the U.S. with TPS have until September 2019 to return to their home country unless they are eligible for another immigration benefit.

Before that, the government made a similar determination for Haiti, which was granted TPS in 2010 in response to a massive earthquake that destroyed much of the country. About 59,000 Haitians have until July 2019 to leave the U.S. or adjust their immigration status.

The decisions prompted a lawsuit on behalf of 14 TPS holders from those two countries plus Honduras, which lost TPS status in May. The plaintiffs contend the cancellation of TPS resulted from racial prejudice and violates the U.S. Constitution’s equal protection and due process clauses.

Among other statements, the complaint cited media reports that Trump said Haitians who received visas to enter the U.S. in 2017 “all have AIDS” and that Haiti and African countries are “shitholes.” It also referred to Trump’s campaign announcement, in which he said some Mexican immigrants were “bringing crime” and were “rapists.”

SNIP: Base on media’s hearsay? Where is actual PROOF? The illegals should be suing the media, and the judge is an idiot.

Casper’s ruling comes days after Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced an 18-month extension of TPS for about 500 Somali nationals until March 17, 2020. MORE

SNIP: Yeah, because, RAYCISSS!!! BTW, the ” T ” stands for TEMPORARY. When it’s time for your asses to go, it’s time for your asses to go. End of story.

13 Comments on Federal Judge Gives Green Light To Lawsuit Against Trump’s ‘Racist’ Cancellation Of TPS

  1. That is making a Personal Judgement, and not by Judging the Law or Constitution. How is She a Judge anyways, maybe after we get the Child Rapist’s in jail or the Ground, we can look at the Judges viabilities.

  2. …on the grounds the decisions were motivated by racial prejudice.

    What the fsck difference does that make? Were the decisions in and of themselves in compliance with the law? If yes, then STFU and GFY.

  3. Where is the gratitude from these ingrates? They should say “thanks for letting us mooch off you for decades, the party’s over.” Instead they are suing… who would want people like this in their country?

  4. I’d have to agree with Plantsman, it sounds like the Judge, if you can call her that, is making her own personal opinion and not basing her decision in law. Maybe she needs to go back to school, if she ever did, for a review of the laws.

  5. If you can’t rebuild tin-roofed huts destroyed by an earthquake from 8-20 yrs ago in your own country, I suspect you’re not contributing much to this country.

    Wonder how many TSPers are employed by the judge?

  6. What the heck happened to Boston of the Revolution days? The late to arrive Irish?
    Nah, must be something else. The Irish did fine most other places.
    I’ve a DNA branch or two from the early arrivers.


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