Federal Judge Issues 42-Page Ruling on Floating Border Barriers – IOTW Report

 Federal Judge Issues 42-Page Ruling on Floating Border Barriers

WJ: A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the state of Texas to remove barriers from the Rio Grande, which Gov. Greg Abbott had put in place to deter migrants from entering his state illegally.

The Biden administration filed a lawsuit against Abbott in July, arguing that he had failed to obtain the federal government’s permission to place the buoys on the border between the U.S. and Mexico, CBS News reported. more here

17 Comments on  Federal Judge Issues 42-Page Ruling on Floating Border Barriers

  1. Greg Abbot is a joke, his ‘floating barriers’ are a joke, his ‘rebuilding the wall’ is a joke, his deployment of the National Guard is a joke

    … has been since Joke Biden became pResident

    coincidence? …. huge Bush RINO …. sucks ass of whomever is in charge in DC.
    another pathetic politician on ‘our side’

    no thanks … wake up folks, the jokes on us

  2. I’ve always thought Greg Abbot was being groomed like DeSantis, a RINO in sheep’s clothing.
    Have you seen DeSantis new ad?
    Death at the border for illegal crossings………
    Yeah, right.

  3. DaveVA

    “Screw the federal judge. It is the governors job to keep the people of Texas safe. I would put the guard on the border with plenty of ammo, but that is just me.”
    With orders: shoot to kill. It has a ring to it. I’d also get an arrest warrent for the judge, but that’s just me…

  4. Another treasonous, illiterate “judge.”
    If its “reasoning” were legitimate and based on the Constitution, it wouldn’t need 42 pages of bullshit – simply the passage in the Constitution that qualified its “reasoning.” If a “judge” has no facts on its side, it spews mountains of bullshit to confuse the easily confusable and satiate its sycophancy’s lust for illegitimate nonsense.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Of course Abbot doesn’t have the balls but, until the states defy these unlawful and unconstitutional rulings, things will not change. Abbot should tell the Feds that since they’re not fulfilling their responsibilities under the Constitution to protect the border that the state will do it. The border will remain open until the penalties for illegally crossing are strong enough to discourage it. This would include any means necessary. It will be up to the states collectively to force change.

  6. Not REMOVE from the river, yet. “ Ezra said that since he is issuing a preliminary injunction and not a final ruling in the case, he is only ordering the buoys to be removed from the “main waters” of the Rio Grande to the riverbank “so that the barrier does not impede or impair in any way navigation … along the Rio Grande.””

    So 42 pages used to say, ‘Not sure, yet, so just move them from the middle of the river to closer to the side’.

    Again, the failure of whimsy-assed RINO justice.

  7. Remove them? I say electrify them! What’s the point of having borders if you don’t bother to enforce them? Why do people put locks on their doors? Hop over your neighbor’s fence and there’s a good chance you could be shot. Dead. And you would deserve it. Next time, try going around to the gate and asking permission.


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