Federal Judge Orders Hillary Clinton Deposition Over Private Emails – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Orders Hillary Clinton Deposition Over Private Emails

Bongino.com: Hillary Clinton’s email scandal has been living on in the courts system thanks to a lawsuit from Judicial Watch. As Politico (unapprovingly) reported in December, “Clinton’s nemeses at the conservative legal group Judicial Watch pleaded with U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth for a chance to depose Clinton personally and to conduct a second round of questioning of Clinton’s former chief of staff Cheryl Mills.”

Politico attempted to cast doubt on if any such deposition would ever occur, writing that Lamberth didn’t immediately rule on the request but “repeatedly expressed concern with a continuing drip, drip, drip of Clinton messages.”

Whatever concerns judge Lamberth may have had couldn’t have been that great after all – because he just ordered Hillary to be deposed, and he isn’t buying any of her excuses. read more

16 Comments on Federal Judge Orders Hillary Clinton Deposition Over Private Emails

  1. She’ll ignore and/or refuse. Media will downplay or ignore this either way.

    Odds that this will guarantee she’ll be whoever’s running mate, to try to immunize her from investigation? She’s got cubic tons of dirt on everyone on the Left.

  2. Right about now, she has daydreams about stripping him, tying him up, forcing him face down on the floor, and stomping all over him with knife sharpened high heels.

    After that she’ll daydream about torturing him, if he’s still alive.

  3. Right when she is planning her grand entrance back into this race via a brokered convention. With her temper she likely caused some damage with this news before hitting the vodka.

  4. She’s going to “win” the deposition, just like she “won” the Benghazi testimony. I still am in awe at the utter gall it took for her to campaign on her marathon Benghazi testimony as proof of her stamina.

  5. She better jump onto someones presidential race so she can claim election interference by Trump and his Russian friends and stop any investigation in its tracks.

  6. “I have no recollection.”
    “I don’t remember.”
    “I was drunk at the time.”
    “Abedin and Mills took care of that for me – and if they say anything, they’re liable to commit Arkancide – they left typed undated suicide notes just in case – I have em here, next to the Hot Sauce.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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