Federal Judge Rejects Environmental Groups Lawsuit Against MN Copper Mine – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Rejects Environmental Groups Lawsuit Against MN Copper Mine

Court House News

A federal judge in Minnesota dismissed eight environmental groups’ challenges to the construction of an open-pit copper mine that they argue will destroy protected habitat and imperil several species in the Superior National Forest.

U.S. District Judge Joan Ericksen, a George W. Bush appointee, ruled Monday that the groups lacked legal standing to pursue their claims in her courtroom in Minneapolis. Ericksen rejected four lawsuits filed against the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service. The groups had asked the court to halt construction and operations at PolyMet’s 588-acre open-pit copper and nickel mine near Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota.

One of the plaintiffs was the environmental group the Center for Biological Diversity. It alleged in a March 2017 complaint that the mine would wipe out 4,000 acres of habitat for species protected under the Endangered Species Act, including gray wolves, Canada lynx and northern long-eared bats. More

9 Comments on Federal Judge Rejects Environmental Groups Lawsuit Against MN Copper Mine

  1. They’ll be back. The NIMBY’s (Not In My Back Yard) and the BANANA’s (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything) will file again.

    They shut down the construction of a products pipeline (refined gasoline, diesel, jet fuel) my company wanted to build along the border of South Carolina and Georgia. Fine. Stop that rape of the natural world.

    All I’d like to see is the plaintiffs denied the use of the products being brought to market. I see that as fair. You stop it from being delivered, you don’t get to use it.

  2. The only thing missing is the judge also writing that not only did the plaintiffs not have standing, but they obviously did not have standing, and knew they didn’t have standing, but sued anyway. Therefore, the plaintiffs shall pay defendant’s legal costs.

  3. This morning, Hugh Hewitt was talking about how we need to get on the stick with mining in America, especially with precious metals. It takes Australia four years to bring a new mine oonline. It takes us twelve, largely because of Watermelon Environmentalist obstruction and delaying tactics.

    We are blessed with an abundance of all kinds of ore, but we are forced to buy much of it overseas, and from Canada, because we aren’t allowed to dig our own. Maybe the Red Greens will run into more Trump judges in the future who aren’t so smitten with the anti capitalist subversives infesting their courts. To paraphrase Sarah Palin, “Dig, baby, dig!”

  4. My fantasy is to herd all the watermelons into one of the big “wilderness areas” they love so much, then bulldoze the roads in and out, cut all the power lines, and knock down the cell towers.

    It would further amuse me to think of giving each one a knife, an axe, one Bic lighter, and a waterproof copy of the book To Serve Man.

  5. Why in the hell aren’t they filing lawsuits against Mexico because of all their wetbacks who are decimating the fragile ecosystem in the desert with all the trash and human waste they’re leaving?

  6. over a thousand acres. What, like 1001? 1015? What is that in square miles? Thats smaller than most ranches out here.

    Humph. Whatever species that would go be “imperil-ed” having been denied “over” a thousand acres deserves to go extinct.


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