Federal judge strikes down California ‘assault weapons’ ban – IOTW Report

Federal judge strikes down California ‘assault weapons’ ban

(The Center Square) – Federal judge Roger Benitez overturned California’s ban on semi-automatic rifles, pistols or shotguns with certain cosmetic or ergonomic features that make them defined as “assault weapons.” 

“Today’s radical ruling — comparing an assault rifle to a bowie knife — is a direct insult to every victim of a mass shooting and their families,” said California governor Gavin Newsom in a statement denouncing the decision. “Californians’ elected representatives decided almost 35 years ago that weapons of war have no place in our communities. Today, Judge Benitez decided that he knows better, public safety be damned.”

Most guns today are variations of semi-automatic firearms that fire single bullets of varying sizes with single pulls of the trigger. California’s “assault weapons” ban focuses on cosmetic and ergonomic features of firearms such as barrel lengths allowed for certain weapons, and bans on different types of weapon grips, threaded barrels that can accept attachments, and adjustable weapons stocks that can make a firearm more comfortable for users of diverse sizes.  more here

8 Comments on Federal judge strikes down California ‘assault weapons’ ban

  1. In the last couple months this same judge has also found California’s limited capacity mags unconstitutional, along with back ground checks on ammo, and California limits on what hand gun you can purchase. Newsom’s so pissed off at the guy he’s ready to throw his purse at him. Or maybe have one of his heavily armed body guards throw it.

  2. Recently you have had to check off that you are over 18 in order to go on firearms manufacturers and seller’s websites. Someone told me this game out of some cockamamie California law. Not that Washington doesn’t have the same brand of wannabe dictators of every aspect of everyone’s life running the shit show here.

  3. jellybean

    Trump did a pretty good job of appointing a shit load of conservatives. He made a big impact on the 9th. He even appointed a Korean judge that was up on the roof tops with his dad.

  4. JDHasty

    My youngest son purchased a handgun yesterday. He took his wife and 18 month old child with him. They had to wait in the car because kids under 18 are no longer allowed in gun stores. They snuck that one past a lot of folks. Kids can read porn in their school libraries but damn it, keep them away from those evil guns. I wonder what kind of bad dreams some of these libtards have at night?


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