Federal Prosecutors Are Looking Into 2020 Election Corruption!!! …That Damaged Biden… – IOTW Report

Federal Prosecutors Are Looking Into 2020 Election Corruption!!! …That Damaged Biden…


Prosecutors are investigating whether Ukrainian officials meddled in 2020 election by funneling misleading information about Joe Biden through Rudy Giuliani

  • Investigation commenced during the final months of the Trump Administration
  • Inquiry is separate from an ongoing criminal probe into Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine
  • Federal prosecutors are looking at whether Ukrainian officials used Giuliani spread misleading claims about Joe Biden

Federal prosecutors are investigating whether current and former Ukrainian officials unlawfully interfered in the U.S. presidential election by using Rudy Giuliani to spread misleading claims about Joe Biden. 

The New York Times broke the news about the probe on Thursday, citing several people with inside information on the matter.

The criminal investigation, which began during the final months of the Trump administration, is being handled by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn.  

The inquiry is separate from an ongoing criminal investigation into Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine, the newspaper reported.

Giuliani worked as President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer while he was still in the Oval Office. 

Giuliani – who was pictured out in New York City on Thursday – has denied any wrongdoing.  


12 Comments on Federal Prosecutors Are Looking Into 2020 Election Corruption!!! …That Damaged Biden…

  1. LOL! This is how you know biden’s secrets are about to be spilled and they have to try and soften the blow by distracting. Dems do this all the time, with the help of their media lapdogs.

    BTW, The Ukranian government officials asked Rudy for help because the US state dept. under 0bama wouldn’t talk to them (and wouldn’t allow them into the country by denying visas) regarding biden sending his goons and his kid over there with a scam connected to Russia Russia Russia. They had the documents that the state dept. wouldn’t take. Well, now everyone has them. lol

  2. I was following this Chinese based anti-CCP account on Parler before it got shut down by Amazon (🖕) and they posted a picture of Cunter Biden nearly naked behind a little girl (9?) dressed in Victoria’s Secrets-like lingerie walking away from him. That’s the kind of evil shit Rudy is talking about that’s on the “Laptop From Hell.”


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