Federal Prosecutors Walk Back Accusations About Alleged Russian Spy Maria Butina – IOTW Report

Federal Prosecutors Walk Back Accusations About Alleged Russian Spy Maria Butina

Federal prosecutors wrong??? How is that possible? Thy have the utmost integrity and are whip smart bastions of intelligence, etc. etc.


The accused Russian spy likely didn’t trade sex for access.

Prosecutors are walking back the most salacious–and headline grabbing–claim they previously made in the case against alleged Russian spy Maria Butina. Per the AP, a Justice Department filing indicates prosecutors are admitting they may have been wrong about the assertion that Butina peddled sex in exchange for a job or influence. The filing says the mistake boils down to a misinterpretation of text messages sent to and from Butina. While Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has called all the accusations against Butina false and pressed the State Department to release her back to Russia immediately, the recent filing says the 29-year-old remains a suspect and a flight risk who may not be granted bond.


10 Comments on Federal Prosecutors Walk Back Accusations About Alleged Russian Spy Maria Butina

  1. soooooo … Deep State makes up more salacious lies about ‘sex’ against the Trump Administration & gets caught w/ their collective peckers hanging out of their trousers …. oops, we bad … nothing to see here folks

    just like sleazebag Porny Daniels & her skuzball lawyer, russkie hookers urinating on hotel beds, Playmates … it’s all they have … to paint Trump as a Slick Willie
    didn’t work then, ain’t working now …. except to re-enforce the resolve of the Trump Troops

  2. What the flying FUBAR is she suspected of doing? I dont get it…she came to ‘Murica, travelled around and went to an NRA convention. And now she’s in a cell. And the press could care less. Talk about a political prisoner.

  3. “The filing says the mistake boils down to a misinterpretation of text messages sent to and from Butina.”

    Who translated that shit? Hillary? (“RESET” button fiasco)
    They couldn’t come up with the cash to get some Rosetta Stone?

  4. Wow Sessions, another DOJ cluster fuck under your oversight and direction.

    Oh wait Jeff, I forgot you abdicated your responsibility through your recusal. And allowed a FISA warrant co-conspirator (Rosenstein) to appoint his old friend Mueller to start an unending investigation well beyond the scope of Russian collusion/interference in the election.

    This stunk from the very beginning of Sessions appointment as Atty. Gen’l and his inept recusal. The stink is from the swamp creatures at DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Department, Hillary Campaign and the DNC.


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