Federal Reserve Will Launch ‘FEDNOW’ Payment Service In July – IOTW Report

Federal Reserve Will Launch ‘FEDNOW’ Payment Service In July

h/t Joe6pak

GP: As the banking system begins to collapse, the Federal Reserve is launching its “FedNow” program in July.

The United States Federal Reserve announced Wednesday it will roll out  “FedNow,” its long-awaited instant payment system, in July.

The FedNow Service will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year for instant bill payments, money transfers including paychecks and disbursements from the government.

The system does not rely on blockchain technology and is operated by a consortium of large banks.

The Fed will “begin the formal certifications of participants during the first week of April in preparation for the July launch.”

“The first week of April, the Federal Reserve will begin the formal certification of participants for launch of the service. Early adopters will complete a customer testing and certification program, informed by feedback from the FedNow Pilot Program, to prepare for sending live transactions through the system,” the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System announced in a statement issued on Wednesday. more here

19 Comments on Federal Reserve Will Launch ‘FEDNOW’ Payment Service In July

  1. This program would be more accurately called FED CONTROL. Docket # OP1670 lays out the plan that gives the Fed more control than we can imagine. The is a war being waged against us. Our government against the citizens.

  2. Ther is not a chance in hell that I will ever willingly and voluntarily use a US Govt. sponsored pay by phone system. I’m having a hard enough time paying my city utility bill over the phone at this moment and I have to call them back again because they dropped my call before I could make a payment.

  3. And so it begins.
    Ushering in tyranny, social credit, etc.
    Want ice cream? NO! Your doc says you’re fat.
    Gun? Not with the fed bank.
    Travel? Forget it you polluting serf.

  4. April Fools? Are they for real? Also, is it Digital or just electronic? There is a difference. I do not know. I know what the difference is however I do not know if they do. Anyways, April Fools?

  5. At the rate all this digital, electronic, crypto.. monetizing of everything is going, govt regulated and hackable; ammunition and cash will be the only true currency when it doesn’t work out.I bust my ass at work and might be wealthy for a change.

  6. Those who woul go for this probably use their iPhones and Apple Watches to pay at fast food, vending machines, etc.
    Next. … Mark of the Beast to make any financial transactions.


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