Federal Workers Who Don’t Come to Work Monday Are Fired – IOTW Report

Federal Workers Who Don’t Come to Work Monday Are Fired

Independent Sentinel-

Any federal worker who doesn’t show up in the office on Monday will be fired. Stephen Miller confirmed it.

“If you refuse to come back to the office, you’re going to be laid off. Why would federal taxpayers be subsidizing Netflix watching at home?”

Unfortunately, Biden set this up, leaving Donald Trump with the mess. He let everyone stay home during COVID and never called them back to work. more

15 Comments on Federal Workers Who Don’t Come to Work Monday Are Fired

  1. “Federal Workers Who Don’t Come to Work Monday Are Fired”

    “If you refuse to come back to the office, you’re going to be laid off.”

    …which is it? “Laid Off” and “Fired” are two different things. You get Unemployment Compensation and may be recalled with the former, and none of that with the latter.

    If you dump them, do it completely. No backsies and no ongoing support.

  2. “He let everyone stay home during COVID and never called them back to work.”

    …and no one missed them.

    For four years.

    If you arent recalled, you arent needed.


  3. My company closed my office building during WuFlu and handed it back to the landlord. When they announced return-to-office, the building I was assigned to was about 30 miles away. And we have horrible rush-hour traffic. So I told my boss I’d be looking for a new job elsewhere. But that’s my choice, not his.

  4. Bad_Brad
    Sunday, 9 February 2025, 14:35 at 2:35 pm
    “Gonna be a fun day at the shop on Monday.”

    …yup. And its audit season for us, too, but THIS year with a rather prickly, frightened, and defensive USDA and DLA in full “Gotta Justify My Existence So I Need To Make Some Noise” mode as they pore though all our biz.


    Shit rolls downhill, and thats where WE are to THEM.

    …this may be less fun from my point of view than I thought…

  5. I live close to a major vehicle artery into the dc metro area from the north. It’s currently very busy at 6:30 AM for the morning rush. I’ll watch to see how the traffic is on Monday morning and let you guys know how it is.

  6. ” And its audit season for us, too,”

    Always fun. They have no idea what they are looking at. But they’ll scrutinize the hell out of it anyway.
    Here’s a good one for you. A couple years ago we had one of these clowns that was way off the charts obnoxious. So being the patient guy I’ve grown into, I threw him out of the shop. Called our CO and told him don’t send that clown back out here again. Long story short he also requested to be moved off or our account. Time goes by and he was assigned to another shop we’re pretty friendly with. That shop owner calls me one day, “I need your advise, and some help”. This clown had pushed them so far he was now demanding they address him as sir when he entered their building. WTF? Well they started their own little investigation on this guy and found out he was an ex Oakland California cop who had been involved in TWO questionable shootings. Both deceased victims were unarmed. You never can tell who you’re dealing with these days.

  7. Jethro — Yes, let us know what the traffic looks like on Monday! That will be the best indicator. Two weeks ago, Monday, was the first back-to-your-desk day at Amazon in Seattle, and the morning commute traffic was huge and aggravating. All those newbie commuters haven’t yet figured out that if they just mind their p’s and q’s, we’ll all get to work alive. So many of them are young(er) drivers who are used to squirreling around in city traffic, trying to cut .05 seconds off their drive time by cutting off people, making hail Mary lane changes (they edge over into lanes without looking; waiting for someone to honk to tell them they’re about to get side-swiped), and pulling up to the “lane closed” sign and jumping the queue ahead of everyone who waited. IOW, selfish drivers who are, apparently, more special-er than the rest of us.


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