Feds Bust Second Suspect In Minneapolis Police Precinct Fire – IOTW Report

Feds Bust Second Suspect In Minneapolis Police Precinct Fire

Breaking 911:

United States Attorney Erica H. MacDonald today announced a federal criminal complaint against Dylan Robinson, 22, charging him with aiding and abetting arson at the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct. Robinson, who was arrested on June, 14, 2020, in Breckenridge, Colorado.


According to the allegations in the complaint, on the night of May 28, 2020, the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct was overrun and heavily damaged due to vandalism and arson. Investigators identified multiple separate fires had been started in the building. Surveillance video footage from the Third Precinct shows two individuals light a Molotov cocktail and throw it at the Third Precinct building.  more

38 Comments on Feds Bust Second Suspect In Minneapolis Police Precinct Fire

  1. Here’s more info about this guy and perhaps more importantly, the entire spectrum of agencies involved in tracking him down.

    POTUS Trump isn’t sending in the military. Heh heh heh.

    Also: at the bottom of the article are the ways you can send info to the FBI regarding any sort of related violence or incitement.


  2. Dylan Shakespeare Robinson. Quite a handle for a dumb kid who, up ’til now, just had a string of dumb petty crimes under his belt. Parking tickets and a drug charge.

    Posted his crimes on his FB page and Snapchat.

    I should write a book: “Protesting, Arson and Other Violent Crimes for Dummies”

  3. Go easy on the kid. He looks malnourished and maybe has a hormone or XXY chromosome problem. Maybe sentence him to eating Wheaties for breakfast and fighting forest fires with/without chains, depending on his behavior. Society should get something in return for what he did, plus, damn. He needs a facial, besides rehabilitating.

  4. I used to ask? Should he not be at work?
    I was a land surveyor at his age.Recently
    I recalibrated myself.These man/children
    are 3x worthless.I see them in my town both
    B&W. You do NOT want them working for you.
    Lazy,dumb,break your tools,damage your materials
    and late for work.I hate to say it but I can look
    in that boys face and tell he is useless as
    teats on a boar hog.

  5. is there an anymore neurotic whimperatic portrait of today’s man that screams … “Mommy!!! …. Mooooooooh … meeeeeee!!!” than this?

    God help us

  6. @Joe6pak – I’ll kindly thank you to refrain from besmirching my good name for the likes of vermin like this. There are less “Bubbas” in prison than you might expect because most of us generally follow the 3S rule. I saw his picture before reading and thought he was just another butt-ugly female pantifa member.

  7. systemically confused
    JUNE 16, 2020 AT 11:57 PM
    “Poor boy! He really always wanted to be a fireman but lacked the strength, stamina and focus…./s/”

    …or any sense of honor, duty, decency, bravery, courage, diligence, or even the ability to get up and go to work on a regular basis that the job requires…

  8. LOL Joe – Years ago, I played a yankee, know-it-all arsehole client from Chicago for several minutes by acting all offended that he called me “Bubba” and I told him that my name wasn’t Bubba, but my brother’s name was Bubba and it was deeply offensive in the south to be called by someone’s brother’s “name” (kind of a “who’s on first” routine for a bit).

    He had earned it by starting off by mimicking the banjo lick (loud enough for me to hear it) from Deliverance in response to my deeply masculine, southern accent. So after informing him that bubba is a colloquial term for brother in the south among other places, I also told him “he shore had purty mouth” and that I had arranged a canoe trip in north GA with one of my cousins to entertain his group while they were in town.

    His co-workers agreed that he had richly earned what I gave him because they had worked with me for a while and knew that I had helped them out a lot on several problems.

  9. It does look like he flirted with a name change in the not-to-distant past. Diana?

    He’s got shaped brows and it looks like he’s used to using an eyelash curler. Mascara, for sure.

  10. Interstate Rioting and Rebellion also falls under 18 U.S. Code § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection. Sentencing allows up to 10 years.

    In the case of Federal Arson – IF the police station was occupied and the Arson posed a threat to human life. Then the “IT” could get Life in Prison.

    In which case being young and small… he’ll be a Bunk Buddy ☺.

    BTW: If it can be proven he is an ANTI-FA member he can be charged now as a Domestic Terrorist. 18 U.S. Code § 2331 section 5.

    who deliberately Video Chop Police Arrest Videos to incite greater Mayhem. It is actually a Felony punishable with up to 10 years.

    Given the wording of 18 U.S. Code § 2101 concerning Riots also covers the use of any facility, or means of interstate communications to promote or assist or incite greater civil unrest, rioting and/or mayhem.

    So the use of the Email / E-Msg’ing sent chopped / edited Cell-phone videos done with the intent to incite or help or promote civil unrest, rioting or rebellion. Can be also be charged as a party to the crime.
    Because that person is helping, promoting and/or inciting greater criminal activates related to the Riot or Rebellion.

    Also checkout

  12. I live in Jacksonville, Florida and our sheriffs office arrested another “IT” thug with a Molotov cocktail. And they arrested another scumbag that slashed an officers throat. First loser will get Federal charges and second loser will get some prison time. Now we are getting the RNC convention. Oy vey. I really pray my city doesn’t burn as I reside a mere 2 miles from the downtown core. I’m taking Monday 9/24 off work to guard my home.

  13. This punk looks scared as if he suddenly realizes he is in a really bad spot. By the time his black brothas’ in the joint get through with this cupcake an M1A1 Abrams Tank can be safely driven straight up his ass without touching the sides.

    This little commie fuck wad deserves a 20 year prison sentence. That’ll teach him a lesson he won’t ever forget. Actions do have consequences. Welcome to reality douchebag.

    Remember we are at war with BLM/Antifa who are communist front groups dedicated to the overthrow and destruction of our country. No mercy should be shown because none will be given by these CCP stooges. We are in a war of survival.

  14. That look on his face says it all.

    As he tries to put up the facade of being a revolutionary, he realizes he’s shit out of luck, and will be spending the next ten years in prison.

    That was one expensive Molly Cocktail.

  15. Get him in front of a Judge/Jury asap, don’t overcharge him but charge him with what he did and when found guilty and given a long sentence get him in a real, not a country-club, federal prison just as fast as you can. Make sure his fate is made public and that unlike state prisons he’ll have to serve 90% of his time before being considered for parole. That will stop most of these dicks in their tracks.

  16. Snowball, I agree with your sarcastic take on the Minneapolis police and their investigative enthusiasm, two arrests in three weeks, however that’s actually a better record than our entire DOJ in taking on the Spygate investigation. Maybe Barr could actually put a couple of their guys to work.


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