Feds Intercepted Package With Ricin Addressed To President Trump – IOTW Report

Feds Intercepted Package With Ricin Addressed To President Trump

The Daily Wire – Federal agents intercepted a package addressed to President Donald Trump earlier this week that was later discovered to contain ricin, a deadly substance for which there is no available antidote, according to reports from multiple news outlets.

Read it here.

h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

19 Comments on Feds Intercepted Package With Ricin Addressed To President Trump

  1. Again? It happens several times a year, and not just at the White House.
    Why do stupid people do this? They always get caught.

    It can be treated within 5 days. Also, there’s some kind of vaccine or whatever you can take that lasts a little while so you won’t get sick from it. I’m a little suspicious of how it was able to get sent in an envelope, though. I swear the post office has a machine that cuts tiny slits on the bottoms of envelopes as they are sorted. Or at least they used to.

    I tend to notice weird shit. lol.

  2. I’m grateful that the mail is sorted and inspected at offsite facilities just for this reason. I wonder what precautions the USPS take at those facilities? I wonder what are the strangest/funniest/most unexpected things are that have been sent to the president or the WH?

    The story I read earlier today said that it was sent from Canada. I hope they can easily trace its origins, who sent it.

  3. President Trump…
    Was watching your speech and none of the cameras turned to show crows size. Try this:
    I will donate $ 5000 dollars to the first camera to turn and show the entire crowd for 30 seconds. Beat them at their own game.

  4. Likely a home grown terrorist who’s been inspired by our loving democrats, who hate everyone who doesn’t agree with them, and wishes anyone who doesn’t fully support their ideas to die.

  5. @MJA

    Trudeau should already be in jail but we all know he doesn’t have the balls.

    Judicial interference
    Fraud & Rigged bids
    Breaking up the country 24/7 while hiding from his wife in a cottage.

    One Can Dream…

  6. Schumer says “Nothing is off the table” if President Trump moves forward with his SCOTUS nomination. Now, before PDT has taken any action in regards to replacing RBG, he is sent ricin. Tell me Chuck, what, exactly, has been “off the table” for the last four years?

  7. Shut down the post office. Sorry libs, you can’t mail those ballots after all. Don’t be sad though, we will send you a message every 10 seconds letting you know “we are all in this together.”

  8. Pelosi would kill to have that kind of a headline. CNN and the rest could hammer “radical Right Wing terrorists” but instead this will go down the memory hole with the athlete to kneel tomorrow.

  9. The House’s mail used to be processed through a Pitney-Bowes facility in the Ford Building. After the anthrax attacks it was closed. The AC shop forgot the filters in there until about 6 months after it had re-opened. No cases, though.

    Sort of like the whole thing was bullshit.

    Better safe than sorry, I guess, particularly when you’re spending other peoples’ money.

    izlamo delenda est …


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