Feds: Nearly 900 Migrants with Mumps Disease Arrived in U.S. Last Year – IOTW Report

Feds: Nearly 900 Migrants with Mumps Disease Arrived in U.S. Last Year


Since September 2018, nearly 900 migrants arriving at the United States-Mexico border have been confirmed or suspected to have mumps, a federal report reveals.

A report by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) details how the contagious mumps disease has spread across 19 states in 57 detention facilities among migrants — those illegally crossing the southern border and those seeking asylum.

Between September 2018 and August 2019, about 898 cases of migrants who had arrived to the U.S. and were in federal detention were reported to have mumps. Another 33 cases of mumps were reported among staff members at the various detention facilities.

Roughly 44 percent of the cases reported occurred in detention facilities located in Texas while the average age of a migrant with mumps was 25 years-old and 94 percent were male migrants.

CDC officials state that the disease has largely spread to other migrants while in detention with 84 percent of cases reported having been likely contracted while in federal custody and five percent having been likely contracted before the migrant was apprehended by federal officials.

As of August 2019, CDC officials say there are ongoing mumps outbreaks among migrants at 15 detention facilities in seven states. read more

12 Comments on Feds: Nearly 900 Migrants with Mumps Disease Arrived in U.S. Last Year

  1. Those infected were 94 percent male with an average age of 25? Sounds like a lot of mojados are going to be shooting blanks 😂 I think they should infect all of them. Too bad mumps doesn’t sterilize females, too.

  2. That’s been gone so long that I was the last one of my sibs to have it and I vividly remember watching a first run Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea episode while moaning on the couch. We may truly look back and see the 1950’s to 2020 as the Golden Age of health and prosperity. Sucks that our newly grown sons will have to deal with this shit.

  3. It’s the TB that scares the crap out of me (some resistant) and my two are medico’s that have to worry about exposure to all kinds of fun things. Ain’t just the illegals, but the “free stuff” recipients are carrying all kinds of nasties.

  4. Gracie is right. TB was so bad back then. Our government is allowing these very ill persons to reintroduce disease to this country. No sympathy for people who won’t vaccinate themselves or their children. A few years back a TB caring illegal was sent to a small community and managed to expose 750 residents to TB.

  5. You are so right, Katdog and Anymouse. Decades ago, I used to live about 1.5 miles from the old “Firlands Sanatorium” center north of Seattle. When we were kids in the 50’s, the admonishment given by adults was “Wash your hands – you don’t want to end up in Firlands!” TB was a big problem in parts of Seattle back then.

  6. Here’s the deal,
    First you gotta make it fashionably virtuous to eat bugs
    Then cannibalism is acceptable; For the Earth
    This sets the mental backdrop for a perfect way to ‘heal the earth’: Plagues
    Specifically a plague in the United States,
    Look at the Georgia Guidestones. Those cost a lot of money. People with money like that can own well stocked bunkers and pay folk to guard it.
    As long as the border is open they have a shot at taking down the United States without firing a shot.
    Then it’s Communism for everybody that’s left!

  7. The latest in L.A. is leprosy! No health checks is using sick people as biological weapons. Who wants Americans sick en mass? The devils running the US government is who. Trump is a just figurehead. And he has proven he can’t stop the invasion of either illegal or legal immigrants. None of which get the “Ellis Island” health clearance coming in. Ebola from African parasites gets a free pass, too.

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