Feds Spending $1,489,703 Studying Sleep Habits at Mexico Border – IOTW Report

Feds Spending $1,489,703 Studying Sleep Habits at Mexico Border


Researchers: Assimilation could cause Mexican Americans to lose sleep.

The National Institutes of Health is spending roughly $1.5 million on a study of the sleep habits of Mexican Americans living along the U.S. border.

The “border health” study began last year and is being conducted by the University of Arizona.

The study is recruiting 1,100 people in the tiny border town of Nogales, Ariz., to see how well they sleep. Researchers claim Mexican Americans do not sleep as well as their peers, blaming “social” factors at the border.

“Disparities in sleep health in racial/ethnic minorities exist, including Mexican Americans. In particular, social-environmental factors at the U.S.-Mexico border may play an important role in sleep health disparities,” according to the grant for the study.

The project aims to help Mexican Americans sleep “through a community partnership.”  more here

13 Comments on Feds Spending $1,489,703 Studying Sleep Habits at Mexico Border

  1. They would sleep a lot better if we sent them back to where they came from. When you are running from the law and looking over your shoulder it’s tough to get a good night sleep. BASTARDS!

  2. For less than 2 bucks I could tell you, with the assurance they’re a protected class, they sleep very soundly.

    OTOH, between working 2-3 jobs to pay for them, worrying about diseases and crime infested neighborhoods, record levels of insomnia are on the rise within the US citizen population.

  3. Pretty typical Academic scam.

    “Gov’t” doles out a million and a half and gets life-long supporters out of the Grad School. The “Professors” (who get the lion’s share) wrote the proposal and will look at the data – to ensure that the “proper” conclusions are drawn – but other than that are strictly administrative organs. The Grad School flunkies will do the actual work and get a Helluvan education on how to scam the gov’t flunkies who oversee the distributions of tax-dollars.

    The taxpayer, of course, gets absolutely NOTHING out of the scam – the results of the study are useless (oftentimes worse than useless – actually detrimental to the furtherance of “science”) drivel which will sit in someone’s file cabinet until his/her/ze retirement – where it will finally make its way to the landfill.

    This is the generator behind the Globaloney Warming/Changing scam.

    The costs of “higher” education, indeed.

    izlamo delenda est …


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