Feelings – IOTW Report


29 Comments on Feelings

  1. When I was a little kid, I used to fetch beer for my dad when he was working on something.

    One time, all we had was warm beer – someone forgot to put it in the fridge – so I put ice cubes in it. He said, you ever do that again I’ll be whippin’ your ass. Kidding – but he did teach me to never put ice in a beer to cool it off – even warm beer was better than diluted beer.

  2. Willysgoatgruff, my son when he was a small kid once had a squirt gun in the bathtub with him and shot out the overhead light in the bathroom causing the lightbulb to explode and he got a few fragments in his eyes but fortunately nothing serious. Our family doctor laughed when we took our son to see him and said kids will be kids. He never had a squirt gun in the bathtub with him after that.

  3. Dad sayings that stuck:

    Two wrongs don’t make a right.
    Swearing makes you sound ignorant.
    You can’t spend the same dollar three times.
    You can be anything you want when you grow up.

    Thanks dad. RIP

    (I was the only one of six kids who was ever awake when my dad got off swing shift, and he always stuck his head in the bedroom door to say goodnight.)

  4. My dad was a master at persuasion. He was working on plumbing in the bathroom and needed someone to go under the house to check to see if there was a leaking pipe as he made ajustments to the plumbing, and I was “volunteered” to help out.
    Basically, I was a tomboy at 15 yrs old and usually loved being adventurous like a boy, but getting into dark, damp spaces, home to creepy crawlies was another thing.
    It took two hours of him patiently reasuring me nothing under the house could hurt me.
    I finally was persuaded. I got under the house with a flashlight, located the pipe, which was not leaking and didn’t encounter any mice, snakes or other creatures I was so afraid of – dad was right – nothing to fear.

  5. I once got my ass whipped for saying “crud.”
    That’s why I never use curse words, now.

    May have been more of a contextual thing, when I really think about it.
    Ah, well … greatest Dad in the world!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. 99th — Our dads are the ones who make us believe in ourselves. I have a funny story very similar to yours — with a different ending.

    At the age of six or seven, my best friend’s family were remodelling their kitchen and her Uncle Scotty, a contractor, and his family came from another state to visit and help with the project. Uncle Scotty was a big, jolly man with a very big voice.

    Lorie and I were the only little kids in the house so we were outfitted with the flashlight and sent into the crawl space beneath the kitchen to report back a plumbing situation, too. Once down there we decided to play a joke on Uncle Scotty and see how loud he could make his voice, so we pretended not to be able to hear Uncle Scotty shouting at the top lungs. We couldn’t manage it for very long. We started giggling, then laughing, then were completely taken over with laughter to the point we both wet our pants. Neither one of us wanted to come back out from under the house because the dry dirt was stuck to our wet pants. Uncle Scotty was a good sport about our joke and he got the last laugh on us.


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