Feinstein Concedes Power of Attorney Not Her Senate Seat – IOTW Report

Feinstein Concedes Power of Attorney Not Her Senate Seat


Further questions have been raised as to whether veteran California Senator Dianne Feinstein should remain in office amid reports she is no longer in control of her own legal affairs.

Feinstein’s daughter, Katherine Feinstein, 66, is said to have been given power of attorney over the Democrat amid an ongoing financial dispute regarding the estate of the 90-year-old’s late husband Richard Blum, according to The New York Times.

The reports that Feinstein no longer has her own power of attorney arrive amid long-running calls for her to resign over concerns about her frail health and ability to act in her role. More

13 Comments on Feinstein Concedes Power of Attorney Not Her Senate Seat

  1. Useless stinkingly partisan bitch who should be wearing an armband


    Useless PIG who proved her lying worthlessness

    in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings

    Where she was proven an unapoligretic LIAR!

    Rest in HELL PIG!

  2. I’ll bet by now the smell of sulfur permeates that bitch. Us Californians have been pummeled with her Libtard Bull Shit since she was mayor of San Fransisco. Like the time she tried to outlaw all hand guns in the city. And then it was exposed she had a carry permit and owned several little pink shooters.


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