Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript – IOTW Report

Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript

Daily Caller: WASHINGTON — California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told The Daily Caller that Fusion GPS lawyers asked her to release company co-founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony transcript.

She released the testimony Tuesday before consulting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, which she told TheDC she regrets. Feinstein is the top Democrat on the committee.

“We were written to by the lawyers of the company asking that it be released, and the reason, of course, is because it has been used by rumor and innuendo and falsity so much that the time came for people to see exactly what was said,” Feinstein said.

She said Wednesday that she felt “pressured” to release the transcript, though she later denied saying that. read more

11 Comments on Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript

  1. Wow, she admits to breaking the law as well as violating her security clearance and not a damn thing happens to her because she’s “sorry”. At what point will the GOP members take a page from Trump’s book and go after these traitors?

  2. This is getting real frustrating. What’s it take to get a member of the oligarchy arrested and charged? Trumps gotta put his foot up some ones “Shit Hole” and get them serious about the rule of law.

  3. Few Senators and Congressmen actually do anything themselves, especially long standing members of Congress. Their staff usually acts in their name.

    I am guessing that one of her trusted staffers released the transcript without consulting her directly — because the senator was suffering from a cold.

    Blaming it on a staffer would make her look bad, so she isn’t likely to throw anyone under the bus until she would look worse not doing it — like sometime next week.

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