Feinstein on Kavanaugh Accusation: ‘I Can’t Say Everything is Truthful’ – IOTW Report

Feinstein on Kavanaugh Accusation: ‘I Can’t Say Everything is Truthful’

Look for DiFi to be burned at the stake for even moving a millimeter away from total, unconditional belief in Christine Ford’s accusations.

National Review-

Senator Dianne Feinstein of California conceded Tuesday that she can’t attest to the veracity of Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were in high school.

“[Ford] is a woman that has been, I think, profoundly impacted. On this . . . I can’t say that everything is truthful. I don’t know,” Feinstein told reporters on Capitol Hill when asked if she believed the allegation.

Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, has been maligned by her Republican colleagues for failing to disclose the sexual-harassment accusation after initially being made aware of it via a letter from Ford in July.

Asked why she did not make her Judiciary Committee colleagues aware of the allegation at the beginning of Kavanaugh’s vetting process, Feinstein hesitated before citing Ford’s desire to remain anonymous.

“I don’t know; I’ll have to look back and see,” Feinstein told reporters before entering the Senate chamber, according to the New York Times. “The answer is that she asked that it be confidential,” she said upon exiting the chamber.


35 Comments on Feinstein on Kavanaugh Accusation: ‘I Can’t Say Everything is Truthful’

  1. JFC… You pack of fucking cunts. Goddamnit. This kind of shit makes my want to convert to radical Islam; just so these crazy leftist bitches will help me destroy all their rights one day. They clearly aren’t worthy of participating in a free society, because all they do is twist the rules around to make drama and hysteria that keeps the country from functioning on any kind of stable level. Same goes for the faggots and dykes. They’re all demented assholes.

  2. A lot of folks believe Term Limits are needed. Makes me laugh all the time. It would take an act of congress to make that happen. Wait a minute, for us rubes, it already been determined in order to receive from the government all the promises we paid an honest working lifetime investing in. Have you ever known anyone in Congress to vote themselves out of job. “Strom” Thurmond (with a loaded Depends) demanded you speak into the “machine” in congressional hearings. And he was a ‘Republican’. Please do not mis-understand, just sayin’ voting is the only way (not rigged) to stop soiling Congress. Besides DiFi facts, went to a net worth of over 400 million after 9/11. Of course it was a joint filing with her husband. No insider trading going on there, Right?

  3. I’m beginning to believe that the alleged assault actually happened. It’s just that Christine’s memory was scrambled by the psychological trauma she suffered when Kavanaugh fought off her attempts to rip off his clothes.

  4. Rush made a comment at the end of his show today that on Twitter there were rumors this babe wrote and sent in a similar accusation letter to DiFi about Gorsuch. He said it was unconfirmed but was out there. So…chances it’s true? 50/50?

    I believe none of it, as a woman. I’m a Trump voting woman so my opinion doesn’t count. Only screaming harpy opinions matter now.

  5. Di Fi should be expelled from the Senate over her 20 year Chicom spy.
    There should be an FBI investigation into the damage her embedded spy caused and all the Fed employees that covered up the news of her spy for the past 5 years.
    A whole bunch of federal employees need to be fired and sent to jail over her chicom chauffeur/office manager of 20 years.
    Imagine how different the situation would have been if a conservative Republican Senator had been caught with a chicom spy on the staff payroll.
    The double standard of the application of the law due to party affiliation makes my head want to explode at ten times the speed of light.

  6. Note to self: If I want to keep something anonymous and confidential about a judge who attempted to rape me as a teen, send it to a leftwing smear merchant on the Judiciary committee during the hearing on the aforementioned judge.

  7. I wonder if this story will make it to the weekend. If the accuser doesn’t commit to the hearing soon you can expect this whole sh*tshow to be flushed down the memory hole by Friday.

  8. Maligned? MALIGNED?!!! A person is NOT maligned unless an untruth is told. For example — Senator Diane Feinstein is a prostitute — is obviously untrue because even a person devoid of senses would not pay to be with that crunt.

  9. If you can’t say that everything is truthful then it’s a lie and always will be a lie. The democraps sure have lying down pat since Satan is their father and he’s the father of all lies. They learned well sitting at the knees of Saul Alinski, Karl Marx, all the commie and Nazi dictators etc. who have all lied in the past. And their current leaders of lying are barry, slick willy and hellary, all the deep staters and never Trumpers are just the latest pied pipers leading them (and us) down the path of destruction.

  10. So the bitch throws a hand grenade into a crowd and says she didn’t know it would explode. Where the fuck is Sessions and an investigation of the 20 year chinese spy she employed? Where’s the investigation from the toothless Congressional Ethics committee?

  11. @scr_north:

    Where’s the investigation from the toothless Congressional Ethics committee?

    The Congressional Ethics Committee is sorta like the U.N. Human Rights Council: membership == prime suspects.


    …even a person devoid of senses would not pay to be with that crunt [DiFi].

    Jerry Nadler maybe would.

  12. All men are always evil liars who should shutup, and all women are always pure and always honest and should be believed about everything they say – according the the idiot sexist Senator Mazie Hirono (D) Hawaii

    “On Kavanaugh Debate, Senator Mazie Hirono Tells Men Of Country To ‘Shut Up And Step Up’ | NBC News” ( 58 seconds)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htGmvHKcCNY .

    Another demonrat senator digging a deeper hole below the bottom of the barrel.

  13. This story will be out there for the rest of Kavanaugh’s life. It will come up every time a case involving women comes before the court. His daughters will be asked about it throughout school and college.

    He will be asked to recuse. It is meant to be a cloud to hang over a decent man’s head because decent men are the enemies of the Democrat agenda.

    Just today, ABC’s new director referred to Clarence Thomas as a “sexual predator”. He’s been in the public eye for three decades and has never had a single accusation come against him and this prancing faggot is calling the runaway slave a sex predator.

  14. 35 years ago. Kavanaugh was 17. If true, tell your dad, your step-dad, your uncle, your big brother, someone – they would have taken care of a 17 year old punk. But the main reason a 15 year old wouldn’t report this is because she may have been a 15 year old party animal. Or, as may becoming more likely, it didn’t happen. Or both.

    Set a hearing for a specific time on Monday, with Kavanaugh’s follow-up an hour later. Designate an experienced former trial lawyer to conduct the examination. If Ford doesn’t show up, declare Kavanaugh exonerated and move on. If Ford is to be believed at all, she has had 35 years to prepare for this. Although every criminal statute of limitations has run, treat this like a criminal matter and give Kavanaugh his Constitutional right to confront his accuser.

    I’ll give Feinstein some credit; she isn’t going to tarnish whatever reputation she has left with a bullshit political stunt like this. And Ford would be a complete moron to entrust her future and her reputation to the political brothel that the Democrat Party has become.

  15. All of this gives us a pretty good idea of what a real man should be in the eyes of a Democrat.
    Maybe it’s a Pussy Hat wearing Snowflake named Brice who has disavowed white privilege, always lets women make the first move, embraced his inner cat scratching female, and seeks help from the Government to pay student loans and move out of his helicopter parents house.

  16. Just announced on Fox: Ford has said she will not appear before the committee on Monday. Game over! Which is too bad; I was going to suggest they use Hillary Clinton to cross examine Ms. Ford. Hillary is pretty good at badgering under-aged rape accusers.

  17. the article says that kavanaugh has accepted the invitation to testify, but that “ford is unresponsive”…


    doesn’t that mean we get to pull the plug on her, as in terry schaivo????

    i mean, what’s good for one goose should oughtta be good for the other goose, right?

    no ganders to see here, please move along…..

    …….pun intended…….lol…..

  18. The founders never foresaw that our representatives might one day be Audio-Animatronic, like Dianne Feinstein. Her lips continue to work in perfect sync with Chuck Schumers. Too bad her brain function circuits burned out long ago from some bad woolies.

  19. My apologies. For my entire gender because, really, more than half of them embarrass me.
    Let’s start with Kavannaugh’s accuser’s admission that, at the grand old age of 15, she was at a house party with no parents but plenty of beer. And let’s stop there. This was not a good girl and is not a good witness. She lied to her parents about where she was going that night, broke the law by drinking underage, and never reported the supposed assault, nor even confided it to a friend.
    Now, 30+ years later, she’s lying to America, first as an anonymous tipster, now while coming up with terms and excuses about testifying.
    Yes, honey, character matters. And yours is lacking. Has been since high school.


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