Fellow Oldsters Have Advice for Biden on Getting Old – IOTW Report

Fellow Oldsters Have Advice for Biden on Getting Old


Fellow octogenarians sympathetic to President Joe Biden’s reelection gave him unsolicited advice about maintaining an active lifestyle during his unpopular presidency. The advice included more naps, walking more quickly, and relying on people.

Biden, 81, who physically tripped, tumbled, stumbled in office, was recently described as an “elderly man with a poor memory” in a special counsel report on his classified document scandal. More

20 Comments on Fellow Oldsters Have Advice for Biden on Getting Old

  1. There comes a time, Joey, when you have to look in the mirror and ask youself, “Haven’t I had enough of this crap? I’ve stolen pretty much all I can from family and cronies, they’re all filthy rich (and filthy. and rich.) I have a heckuva legacy right now, and, things being how they are, that legacy isn’t likely to get much better, right?”

    So, Joey, you do remember where you put that shotgun, right?

  2. At this point, locked doors, medication, and even permanent residence in a memory care facility are what are called for…not more naps. This is elder abuse and TREASON.

  3. I would tell Sniffer Joe he could get in great shape by doing the following:

    1. Stand in front of a full-length mirror.
    2. Think that the image staring back at you is Corn Pop!
    3. Start punching yourself in the face
    4. Don’t stop until you black out and you’re laying on the floor unconscious.

    This is how you Knock Yourself Out, Joe.

  4. The first thing Joe must do is admit he’s an old fartbag, a foul old pervert, has mush for brains, would step in front of a speeding locomotive if the Secret Service wasn’t around, uses little girl’s hair as a snot rag, smells bad, belongs in Bellevue in a straitjacket, and is the laughingstock of the entire universe.

    Only then will he be on the road to recovery.

  5. Erik, that’s a nice sentiment.

    POS joey shitpants thinks he’s going to live forever but his medical chart reads “angry, confused male who appears older than his stated age”. Getting closer to the dirt nap by the minute


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