Female Genital Mutilation – One of the Many Wonderful Aspects of Islam That the Left Apparently Endorses – IOTW Report

Female Genital Mutilation – One of the Many Wonderful Aspects of Islam That the Left Apparently Endorses

The left loves them some Islam, what with the cutting off of the clitoris and sewing vaginas shut, throwing gays off buildings, blaming women for being raped and treating them like chattel, what’s not to love?Good wife: Anti-FGM campaigner Ester Ogeto said that 'cut' girls would get money and a lot of cows for their marriage dowry, while girls who are not cut get fewer cows, or none at all

One wonders what the allure is.

Oh, that’s right, the enemy of my enemy (Judeo-Christians.)

The left is despicable.

Read more about this horrible practice, where girls who have no sexual gratification are worth more  because the insecure man will pay for a wife that won’t run away from him for another man.

(Hey, I didn’t read the entire article. Do they mention Islam even ONCE?)

ht/ just the tip


5 Comments on Female Genital Mutilation – One of the Many Wonderful Aspects of Islam That the Left Apparently Endorses

  1. Hmmmmm….. Just chiming in here, as a fan of the particular features being discussed here, I am vehemently opposed to any deleterious action towards any example of such.

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