“Female” Golfer Wins Tournament Playing With 3 Balls and 2 Putters – IOTW Report

“Female” Golfer Wins Tournament Playing With 3 Balls and 2 Putters

DMFury as transgender golfer wins coveted spot on prestigious tour aimed at providing ‘growth opportunities’ for female players…after she smashed competition at Florida tournament.

Securing victory gives Davidson access to the Epson Tour, which is awarding exemptions to their top five players. 

he tour is the qualifying tour for the LPGA, the Tour Card of which Davidson has been aiming for. 

News of the win sparked anger online, with many highlighting how Davidson would likely be able to hit the ball further than a player born female.  


The LPGA Tour removed their requirement for golfers to be ‘female at birth’ in 2010.

However, Davidson’s very presence as a trans-woman removes one of those spots from a cisgender woman.

The irony of Davidson’s win is that the exemptions were specifically introduced to allow female golfers the ability to compete on the Epson Tour and provide ‘unparalleled professional growth opportunities for women golfers.’ 

Davidson touted her victory on X, writing: ‘I was finally able to get my 4th professional win after two playoff holes… Also moved me into 1st place in the season rankings for two Epson Tour exemptions!

‘Most importantly though, thank you to absolutely everyone who has supported me from my fellow competitors to all of you that I may or may not have had the chance to meet yet. Thank you all for helping me wade through any hate and making me feel loved.’

Davidson told Golf Week that the ‘trans issue’ is also a source of angst for her as well.

‘I guess that’s what frustrates me the most. If I play bad, then people will feel justified – ‘Oh well, she played bad and wasn’t good enough.’ – If I do anything good, it won’t be because of the fact that I put my whole life into this … it would be because I’m trans.


What’s with all the “hers” in this shit article?

17 Comments on “Female” Golfer Wins Tournament Playing With 3 Balls and 2 Putters

  1. Just to be clear, there is no such thing as a cis-woman or a cis-man. There are women and there are men, some of whom like to dress up like women and try to ruin women’s sports. They are also known as assholes.

  2. I cannot understand why we tolerate this charade.
    I cannot understand why the LPGA tolerates this charade.
    I cannot understand why the female players tolerate this charade.
    Don’t just say “No” say “HELL NO!”
    As long as we (humans) encourage their delusions, they’ll continue – and worsen.
    And we encourage their delusions by tolerating them.

    The perverts should be forced to start, and maintain, their own Association – the “PPGA.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m waiting for them/it’s to try men’s professional hockey and tackle football.
    I’ve noticed they only partake in sports where they can dominate and it only seems to affect male to female transitioners. Weird!

  4. There needs to be rankings for buck/doe trannies. Amateur, just on female hormones. Semi-pro, hormones plus boob job with male putter. Pro, hormones, boob job plus male parts, nipped, split, stuffed & tucked into a man-made woo-hoo.

  5. “Bob – cisgender is a term for Normal.
    Since the mentally ill avoid the use of the word Normal, they had to make up a new term.”

    Well, they can cis my ass.

  6. The LPGA and media perpetuate the perverted Charade.
    They insist and continue to use the word “She” when it is obvious that it’s an Ugly perverted guy wearing a short dress.
    Of all associations the LPGA should have put a Stop to this. But obviously they thought it would increase viewership by .01%.
    The Players of the LPGA should boycott all events where there’s a guy masquerading as a woman to gain notoriety as being NOT what he says. Call him out for what he is; a perverted FRAUD stating he’s a woman.

  7. Once again we have proof Liberalism is a mental disease. Lawyers and cowards run the organizations and corporations that permit this travesty. I refuse to participate in the delusions of the left.


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