Female Lefty Pundit Says the Female Press Corps Covered For Lefty Male Politicians For Years – IOTW Report

Female Lefty Pundit Says the Female Press Corps Covered For Lefty Male Politicians For Years

This was the way it worked. Male lefty pols gave speeches about “women’s rights in the face of evil right-wingers” while they groped women in the elevators, and then the female press corps would write endorsements for them.

Now that their shoe-in woman crashed and burned at the ballot box, they are suddenly all whistleblowers.


Appearing on ABC’s This Week, National Public Radio’s Cokie Roberts admitted that “for years” the female press corps has covered up sexual misconduct on Capitol Hill.

While speaking about John Conyers and Al Franken, two Democrats facing numerous sexual misconduct allegations, Roberts let this bomb matter-of-factly drop on the left-wing Sunday show, “I mean, we all talked about for years: ‘Don’t get in the elevator with him,’ you know, and the whole every-female in the press corps knew that, right, don’t get in elevator with him.”

Which “him” is Roberts referring to? Conyers? Franken? Are there others?

 But back up just a moment– According to Roberts, “every” woman in the press corps knew that there was sexual misconduct going on in congress, knew that it was so brazen and so permissive that not even a female reporter was safe on an elevator, and NO ONE REPORTED IT?
ht/ nm

30 Comments on Female Lefty Pundit Says the Female Press Corps Covered For Lefty Male Politicians For Years

  1. I wish articles of this sort would always throw in a sentence at the end, something to the effect,
    “So, with events like this, it becomes more and more clear Democrats/liberals/leftists are not serious about any of the issues/causes they raise; they’re only interested in power.”

  2. When are leftist women going to realize the democrats have been asking the same old “Who you gonna believe, me or all those lying accusers?” since JFK.

    Any feminist worth her fish on a bicycle would have kicked this creep of a party to the curb years ago.

  3. Sure it was covered up. Why expose a money making operation. A female is sexually harassed, or claims to be, by one of the many elected elitists who stalk the halls of Washington DC in their life time endeavor to fuck the taxpayer. The allegations are kept secret and a tax payer funded payment is made in an exchange for non-disclosure. He gets to flaunt his junk and she gets paid to look.

  4. Don’t for a minute think feminism is about feminism

    It’s about attacking white men, and crippling society. It’s a militant arm of communism.

    They could care-a-less if the other commies feel them up once in a while, it’s part of the perks of the party.

  5. “Maybe Cokie should be put under oath and asked a few follow up questions.”

    You think THAT would keep her from lying?

    She states what everyone who’s been paying attention already knows, but it comes as a shock and surprise cuz she’s a nihilistic totalitarian shit-wad propagandist. All this sexual misconduct bullshit is prestidigitation, but I haven’t figured out what they’re attempting to keep our attention away from.

    Something drastically more serious – I’m sure.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I have come to the conclusion the whole of Congress is a bunch of self-aggrandizing, despicable cock suckers and molesters, no matter the party.
    The press is nothing more than hypocritical shills for the Democrats and Progs.
    That show, Designated Survivor, it’s sounding better and better.

  7. Since Cookie and the rest of them are all leftists too, we can guess that they wouldn’t be caught dead schmoozing with Republican Congressmen. Thus probably 99% of who she is referring too are in fact Demorats. I’ll float 1% out in the margin of error.

  8. Mary Jo, “Teddy, I think I’m Pregnant. Teddy, “We will cross that bridge when we come to it.”
    Didn’t FDR die while screwing his girlfriend? Power corrupts. All of these “men” should get thrown under the bus and that will allow us to elect citizen legislators like the Founding Fathers wanted us to.

  9. She fancies herself as a newsperson and yet drops these hints like a hoboken houesewife talking gossip to her neighbour over the clothsline. This is a huge story, one that she should be investigating and writing but would rather just hang the washing with her friends.

  10. joe6pak,
    Lying liars lie.
    That’s not just what they do, it’s who they are.
    When she’s standing before the Gates of Hell she’ll still be lying (mostly to herself).

    I like Gowdy, but he can’t get blood out of a parsnip … or turnip … or whatever.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. If the leftest media simply refuses to report Obama’s efforts over 8 years to destroy the US….why would they report sexual perverts in Congress who leak information to them for bi-lines and breaking news scoops?

    Media whores investigating congressional prostitutes … not gonna happen. They’re both in the same profession, just different pay schedules and perks.

  12. “every woman in the press corps knew that there was sexual misconduct going on in congress,.. and NO ONE REPORTED IT?”
    With the left and their propaganda apparatus it has forever been true; “The ends justify the means!”

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