Femen Founder, the Topless Activist, Commits Suicide – IOTW Report

Femen Founder, the Topless Activist, Commits Suicide

The Guardian-

Suicide note found next to body of 31-year-old feminist activist, say Femen members.

Oksana Shachko, one of the founders of the Femen feminist protest movement, has been found dead in her Paris apartment, the group has said.

The 31-year-old Ukrainian was found on Monday with a suicide note next to her body, according to Femen activists.

“It is with great regret and deep pain that I must confirm the death of Oksana,” said Inna Shevchenko, one of Femen’s leaders, who also lives in the French capital.

Shachko was one of four feminist activists who founded Femen in Ukraine in 2008. Exiled in France since 2013, she had since left the group and was working as an artist.

Operating under the slogan “I came, I stripped, I won”, Femen quickly drew attention around the world with its bare-breasted demonstrations against sexism.


She left a note that said, “FAKE.”

No one knows what she meant.

No one knows what the hell she meant when she was protesting topless, either.

When she left FEMEN she became an artist and painted icons, but with “shocking twists.”



32 Comments on Femen Founder, the Topless Activist, Commits Suicide

  1. Like most Leftists she wuz crazy as a bed bug! Half the reason they demonstrate is to convince themselves they’re not nutz.
    The other half of the reason is convince others to be just as crazy as they are.
    The the third half is they just crave being around crazy!
    Yes, they think there are three halves because there are more halves than half nots!

  2. Suicide? Let’s put the blame exactly where it belongs, the patriarchy, toxic masculinity, white guilt, a fish on a bike.

    If only she could have gone to a safe space that had crayons, and kittens, and rainbow unicorns…

  3. A Bedbug, like all too many women.
    They hate who they are and seek to
    destroy the society that brought
    them out of Middle-Ages serfdom and
    still awaiting them in much of the World outside of the West.

  4. There is a huge price to pay for fighting against every natural instinct God gave you. Perhaps “Fake” sadly refers to her epiphany about her own situation. Because when you’ve hitched your wagon to the wrong thing, and very publicly, I imagine for some there is no way back. And who would know better the fate that awaited her if she had tried. That’s all I’ve gotta say about that.

  5. Here’s the kicker (no pun intended). I watched a documentary a few years ago, and FEMENS is no grass roots activists spun up out of whole cloth by angry women. It was formed by a Ukranian man who recruited, funded and directed them in a svengali-like manner, which proves the point, all it takes is 1-2 useful idiots and the sheep will follow.

  6. Sad.
    Dazed and Confused by the nihilism that pervades the (her) Universe, she (apparently) could no longer cope.

    Unless there exists a link to the Clintons (which would imply non-suicide) – it is sad when one becomes so hopeless.

    May God have mercy on her.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Well,,,


    I just don’t get FemNazies, posing nude is exploitation, protesting nude is cutting edge?
    Only the twisted mind of a Prog can follow that maze to clarity.
    I’m reminded of the old joke about about a woman whoring for a million dollar$.
    Just discussing price, we already established she is a slut nut.

  8. Her suicide note makes perfect sense. She invested herself and all she had in the lie. This is what keeps the main stream media stuck on stupid. They’re invested everything in the lie and they’re stuck.

  9. This is the only logical outcome of a worldview devoid of any meaning. She looked into the abyss she mistakenly believed in and found there was nothing good ahead. Only a struggle and then nothing. She decided to get off at the next bus stop.


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