Feminist Asking For Thoughts – IOTW Report

Feminist Asking For Thoughts

32 Comments on Feminist Asking For Thoughts

  1. Here are some thoughts on untreated
    diabetes and uncontrolled eating.
    First it starts on the eyes.
    Then neuropathy numbs the feet
    and goes into the hands as the
    bleeding from the capillaries
    increases and irreversible nerve damage occurs. At this time the
    kidneys and organs take increasing
    damage. MERSA skin infections occur and become ever harder to control.
    You sooner or later go blind.
    That’s when the saws come into
    play. Fairly soon, due to
    one symptom or another you’re a
    Now go and think your idiotic
    Happy,delusional thoughts.

  2. the first diabetic i knew personally was a fellow fifth grader…he was not a woman and not overweight…..of course, he had diabetes type 1, not type 2….

    so maybe type 2 actually IS designed to make fat black women feel bad…..okay then, what’s that got to do with my type two hubbo, who IS NOT A FAT BLACK WOMAN…….he got HIS diabetes through the care of an imbecile doctor who prescribed a prednisone cortisoid drug for AN INFECTION….go read the contra-indications for any cortisoid drug – first on the list, DON’T PRESCRIBE THIS FOR AN INFECTION, OR WHEN AN INFECTION IS PRESENT…..
    they actually recognize steroid-induced diabetes in britain, but here in the good ole USA, it’s NOT a THING…..so we have no recourse…..apparently, since he VOLUNTARILY took the prescribed cortisoids, it’s HIS fault he’s now a diabetic……

    “FIRST DO NO HARM” means nothing to these quacks today….it’s pretty much “first, make sure the check clears”…..

  3. chuckie

    Doctors killed my mother. Thats no bull shit. My last Doc cut me off my blood pressure medicine because I couldn’t make it in there for her to fondle my balls. After she told me “We have this dialed, we’ll keep you on this and I don’t need to see you”. WTF. I absolutely hate our medical (so called) profession” .

  4. ….oh….and by the way…..since diabetes is a made-up thing to make fat black women feel bad….can we now discuss how high cholesterol levels is just a way to make rural farm workers feel bad about eating so many eggs?…….or how artificial sweeteners are actually GOOD for us?……or how we should not vaccinate our kids, on account of they might end up on some “spectrum”…….
    every time i hear some sanctimonious commercial about how one in 500 no wait 300 no wait 167 no wait 68 no wait 47 no wait 13 no wait 3…..children will be “diagnosed” with autism……i realize it’s not the KIDS who are getting more sickerer..it’s the guidelines that are getting looser and looser, making more and more kids “technically” autistic, who are mostly just normal kids….
    and then we toss in “gender”….my college edumicated kid tossed out the argument that we have fungi with over 1000 genders…..i’m wondering….how do we know that?
    did we ASK the fungi what gender they were, and we got back over 1000 different genders? ….i kinda doubt it….
    i don’t know….but if we CAN identify a fungus with over 1000 genders, it would be because that particular form of life had over 1000 genders that could be identified in their DNA…we have, i think, maybe four or six genders identifiable in the human species….the two normal ones – XX and XY – and some deviants – XXY, XYX, XYY, XXX…..this does not approach 1000 different genders…..but my kid will be glad to lecture you about your intolerance, and how you don’t know ANYTHING about science or biology….SO THERE…..he IS, after all, the ONLY ONE IN THE FAMILY with any COLLEGE EDIMACATION……punk thinks he knows it all…..don’t they all…..lol

  5. AIDS is not a gay disease.

    Welfare isn’t just for blacks.

    Not ALL muslims are terrorists.

    Fat people are not ALWAYS unhealthy.

    These people will find every excuse make your life miserable and get you in the grave as soon as possible.

  6. My father’s youngest brother died at ten days old due to diabetes in the 40’s and my grandmother had it for the rest of her life, and dying from complications with it in her seventies.

    The reactions she used to get from the insulin in the seventies were just goddamn terrible.

    I’d beat that bitch.

  7. And, as with all feminist goodspeak, just like “patriarchy” doesn’t mean what you “misogynists” think it means, “thoughts” actually are the deep fried pastries you claim don’t exist.

  8. Methinks she is in denial of reality, but I’m no doctor.

    My understanding is that II is reversible by getting in shape, losing weight, etc.

    That holds true for me so far. My doctors always said it was a matter of when not if, for me. Was an athlete in school. Lettered 3 times in four years. Always had a problem with sugars, though and eschew it where I can.

    Unfortunately, if I don’t work out like I’m getting ready for the Olympics, I start getting circulation and foot problems. I’ve always wondered how so many people can function in a state of obesity and not suffer like that.

    Also, I’d probably be either dead or footless by now if I smoked during my life.

    I was not born with a body I could abuse very much. I have always quickly suffered when I don’t treat it well.

    If she doesn’t suffer any of these conditions, then good for her.

    Somehow I doubt she has no negatives being overweight and either ignores the signals her body gives or has never known what good health feels like.

    I lost my favorite BiL to diabetes. He was short, skinny, smoked, ate whatever he wanted regardless of doctor’s orders and lost an injured toe to gangrene right before dying at 55.

    I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

  9. P.S. You don’t have to be fat to have or get diabetes. I know several people who are not over weight and have diabetes. I know lots of people who are overweight FAT and don’t have diabetes. It’s hereditary, sadly the sperm and egg donor passed it on to their children. Don’t ask how I know.

  10. Re Bad Brad; Doctors killed my father over-prescribing warfarin. I will never go to a doctor again.
    I suspect I have diabetes 2. I love chocolate and cookies. Eating was one of the few pleasures left in life.
    But there are things you can do. R-Alpha lipoic acid, L-carnitine and evening primrose helps with neuropathy.
    B-12 and benfotiamine and other natural substances help, and don’t let the phamacuetical industry, and consumer reports tell you otherwise.
    I’ve given up eating anything that used to be such a joy.
    I used to walk a lot up a very steep hill and still, here I am.

  11. a non a moose

    I strongly suggest you try Apple Cider Vinegar. It dropped my blood pressure a bunch. And I notice a lot more energy. But I get a little hypoglycemic sometimes and that hasn’t happened since I started the Apple Cider Vinegar. Also Garlic is worth checking out.

  12. Wow, so the conspiracy was set up solely to make the man-hating lesbian feminists feel bad for being fat and to take their money.

    All the infections, amputations, blindness, renal failure, and deaths (including those in the men that we sacrificed) were just part of the lie and cover up. Got it!

    I understand that they found Big Foot, Nessie, and the sound stage in Anaheim for the moon landing footage. Please consult with Elvis Presley if you do not believe me.

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