Feminist Author/Filmmaker Says False Sexual Assault Allegations Don’t Concern Her – It’s the price she is willing to pay – IOTW Report

Feminist Author/Filmmaker Says False Sexual Assault Allegations Don’t Concern Her – It’s the price she is willing to pay

This Twitter timeline is from a year ago. Did Christine Ford see it and act on it?

22 Comments on Feminist Author/Filmmaker Says False Sexual Assault Allegations Don’t Concern Her – It’s the price she is willing to pay

  1. Really? You’re welcome to try out your theory, bitch. Claim false sexual assault
    and watch the opposing lawyers and the court system throw your ass into a jail cell with a woman who feels YOU are the price she’s willing to pay.

  2. I sincerely hope a tornado drops a house on this bitch. She has absolutely no morals as she will gleefully destroy anyone so she can further her skewed narrative. People such as this have no conception of right and wrong.
    A scant century ago she would have been found hanging from a tree or burned at the stake. Ah, I miss the good ole days.

  3. In other news the sun comes up in the east. It is common, actually universal, to find Democrat trash that is willing to sacrifice others when it comes to advancing their agenda.

    Come to think about it, they were all too willing to use black people to pick their cotton for them and it cost how many American lives to decide them that slavery is no bueno.

  4. This is the essence of distilled collectivism.
    To the hive mind, individuals have no inherent value.
    The collective sees itself as the only entity with rights.
    The collective does not realize the nature and source of rights.

    When a hive of pink yellowjackets turn aggressive and attack you, what do you do? What do you have a right to do?

  5. As the author of “Unslut” and whose main job seems to be scratching a few columns out for Teen Vogue she does seem to tout herself as a great thinker. This I believe is another example of the untalented desperately trying to raise themselves up and screaming “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME” before slipping back into that dark stagnant pool of mediocrity and hate that is her home.

    I’d love to hear what her opinion would be if a black man were ever falsely accused of rape and had his life and family destroyed. Maybe somebody ought to send her a book by a real novelist such as Harper Lee.

    Lastly I wonder what her punishment would be for a woman who falsely accuses a man of rape and is caught?


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