Feminist Camille Paglia Speaks On Transgenderism – IOTW Report

Feminist Camille Paglia Speaks On Transgenderism

Daily Signal:

Feminist and Bernie Sanders supporter Camille Paglia isn’t toeing the liberal party line when it comes to transgenderism.

“The cold biological truth is that sex changes are impossible. Every single cell of the human body remains coded with one’s birth gender for life,” she told The Weekly Standard in an interview published June 15.

The author of “Sexual Personae”, Paglia identifies herself as “a registered Democrat who voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary and for Jill Stein in the general election.”

“It is certainly ironic how liberals who posture as defenders of science when it comes to global warming (a sentimental myth unsupported by evidence) flee all reference to biology when it comes to gender,” said Paglia.

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15 Comments on Feminist Camille Paglia Speaks On Transgenderism

  1. Is it possible that Camille Paglia is really a Bible-thumping, gun-toting, science denying white male in disguise? Only a neanderthal would hold such controversial views such as cutting off one’s penis does not really make that person a woman.

  2. “… one’s birth gender for life …”

    But still can’t give up the false narrative?
    What might “one’s birth gender” be?
    There is male and there is female – which are sexes – NOT “genders.”

    Thus, she re-enforces and perpetuates the false narrative while denying the foundation. Kind of an odd position, isn’t it?
    Continue to sow confusion while appearing to be rational?
    Or, perhaps, words don’t really mean anything?
    And their underlying concepts are amorphous?

    Or maybe I’m just nit-picking?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. She can’t possibly vote the way that she does. Her party that she voted for believes right the opposite. IMHO, that makes her a part of the LGBTXYZ thinking wackos. I spoke the other day with a woman who was taunting me about voting for Hillary. She also said “I’m a Christian, a Pentecostal!” I told her she was neither because Hillary believes in abortions, so you can’t be a Christian or a Pentecostal. Christians don’t believe in abortions, nor do they go with the LGBT crap. I slapped her down and she was left speechless. Zing……I spoke in tongues at her! 🙂

  4. Going against the Party Line, she will be cast out from the liberal tent.
    This means that she tells the truth as she see sees it.
    Don’t agree with her on a LOT of issues, but she does not drink the Kool-aid.
    She calls the Left out as much as the Right these days and rightly so.
    For that she deserves respect.

  5. If you read the entire article by her, you can see that she truly understands the conservative position and really nails down what Trump is doing right. Yet in the same interview she reaffirms several times that she is liberal, that she voted for Hillary and Obama twice. It’s like she is really smart, but chooses evil over good. It’s unexplainable but it’s the human condition. “I will not serve” to quote Satan.

  6. I can tell you first hand how batshit crazy progressives are. The ones I know used to think Christopher Hitchens, Camille Paglia, and Ayn Rand were heros 30 years ago. I know it for a fact because I can remember them carrying on about it for hours at get-togethers. Now, those exact same brainwashed assholes call these same people “right wing extremists”. The problem with the left is that they don’t deal in ideas. They don’t believe in a way of thinking. They just have people who tell them which other people they’re supposed to love or hate unconditionally, and they love or hate those people accordingly. It’s all tribalistic bullshit. They’re one step away from putting a bone through their noses and resorting to cannibalism. Some of them are already there.

  7. This woman is a friggin psycho. She won’t vote for Trump and for border protection, and the first thing the muzzies would do with this moron is throw her off a roof or down a well. Too stupid to connect the dots.

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