Feminist has a tough time pointing to compelling evidence by Ford that proved her sexual assault allegations – IOTW Report

Feminist has a tough time pointing to compelling evidence by Ford that proved her sexual assault allegations

Wanna know the funniest parts of this exchange?

– I had know idea this was a woman.

– Another woman LIKED the mansplaining meme, I guess because she thought it was a good answer to my question.


10 Comments on Feminist has a tough time pointing to compelling evidence by Ford that proved her sexual assault allegations

  1. I go back to a blond, blue eyed chippie that said I was father of her child squeezing out a kid that looked like buckwheat claiming I was the father.

    I had never been interested or that “I like beer too”, but I had a house and a job and my eyes are blue as the Pacific.

    And every Goddamned cunt in western Washington believed her and said I was a lousy sumnabitch until the nappy haired punk was squeezed out!

    There ain’t no fucking way a straight haired dirty blond, blue eyed fucking cunthole and a blue eyed blond guy… Yet it still did not resonate. Fuck the 19th Amendment in it’s ass, that was forty years ago and still some dumbcunts insist.

    Too dumb to vote? Fuck that, I am amazed they have the brain power to keep their heart beating and still light their Goddamned bongs.

  2. JDH…. I had a roommate in college back in 1992 who tried to claim rape the night of her 21st birthday. We had taken her out partying. She was schnockered. When we came home at 0300, she went upstairs, took off her bra but kept on her lace tank top, then went 3 doors down to the neighbor’s that she had a crush on. Climbed into his bed and they had a little action. She came home at 0600 giggling. We (myself and our other roommate) lit into her for being gross because this guy was a pig. She then changed her story and said he raped her. We lit into her even worse, she moved out later that week in tears because we didn’t support her. I went to his apartment and warned him what she was saying. He and his roomies were stunned, he said she walked into his place while he was asleep, she climbed into bed with him and got on top of him.

    Essentially she raped him.

    But she could have easily put him in jail with a slight adjustment to the narrative.

    I would so love to broadcast this on social media but she would see it and try to sue me in this mad mad world.

  3. Her response was also nothing more than a Soros dem talking point. For a week I’ve seen clips of different gop senators getting accosted with the same exact quote, same words etc. it is easy to make that accusation with conviction and should we say credibility since they love that loaded word but they have nothing to back it up because no evidence or facts exist. Can’t cry and scream in your face on camera on Twitter.

  4. Being a constitutional conservative since I was in the womb I’v always questioned why we even have a Democrat party. We are defined as a capitalist country yet Democrats are bent on changing us to socialists or in my opinion communists. How in the world does that uphold our constitution?
    Forget abolishing women voters, simply abolish all Democrat voters. I’d like a choice of the Republican party or the Conservative Party. Or, how about a constitutional test to qualify to vote?


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