There’s been a concerted effort to feminize males in America over the past generation. In most commercials, movies, and TV programs, the male is portrayed as either a bumbling fool or a effeminate idiot. Case in point:


Another of the “minority is smart, white sissified male is a moron” genre. The only thing I could think of after watching this is holding that half-a-sissy’s head on the copier while repeatedly slamming the lid down on his melon. I’m so sick of these commercials I could sh*t.

AWD saw this photo this week and again I wanted to ralph.


AWD doesn’t hold it against males who cry. It’s perfectly acceptable to cry on these occasions:




  1. Sick of the subversion. I have banned the cartoon “Amazing World of Gumball” from my kids, because the dad in the show makes Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin look like Renaissance Men. And, of course, the mom in the show is a sainted genius. Push back, people.

  2. “There’s been a concerted effort to feminize males in America over the past generation. In most commercials, movies, and TV programs, the male is portrayed as either a bumbling fool or a effeminate idiot.”

    The above mentioned pales in comparison to what our public school system is doing to our young males. I’m pretty sure there’s a limp wrist 101 class.

  3. Its the father as idiot and the smart ass kids in shit-coms and commercials that light my fuse.

    Hey pop culture, Dad was smart enough to reproduce, raise kids and make enough money to feed, cloth and shelter them.

    That seems pretty F#ck brilliant to me!

  4. There is no such thing as a “Male Feminist” simply because a man cannot understand what drives women to feminism any more than he can feel menstrual cramps. Such men who call themselves “Male Feminists” are either self flagellating fools who actually believe in the feminist dogma, or liars who see feminism as a means to promote their own agenda, (in which case they’re *still* fools)

  5. Toenex, Our local Star Bucks is loaded with guys working there that you swear couldn’t make noise when they farted if their lives depended on it. FLAMING. And the other day I was in there and one of the guys girl freind shows up. WTF?

  6. Senor Furro pretty much nailed it. Ads show men, especially white males as idiots and morons. Anyone else in said ads has to be portrayed with PC kid gloves.

    About the only ad genre still open to non-PC portrayals are beer commercials.

    Hey, here’s another irritating ad that pisses me off – the ATT U-Verse ad with the guy who gets verbally bitch-slapped by his wife saying it was her idea not his and the man-bitch caves in like the pussy-whipped bitch that he is. I was actually going to look into getting UVerse but stopped after seeing this stupid-ass ad.

  7. There ya’ are. You just illustrated what motivated me to get up, walk over to a three week old 27 inch set, yank the cable out of the wall and carry it down to the curb. This took place over two decades ago and I haven’t watched television since.

    A guy stopped and asked me about the set sitting on the curb and if there was anything wrong with it. I told him that if he had a week I could cover the topic at length, but he took it and left after about five minutes.

    I’ll take that back, there set in the basement and if the kids want to watch a movie they get a disc from the library and stick it in a machine that plays it. I have bout two dozen concerts on the discs too and it is hooked up to a pretty nice amp and a pair of Altec VOT speakers and I watch concerts or listen to albums when I ride my AirDyne or Nordic Trak.

    There is no way I would hook up a television cable to my house, I pay to have sewage piped out of my home and I will be damned if I am going to pay to have intellectual sewage piped into my home – especially with two young kids in the home. That is like bringing a bottle of anthrax into the house, as long as it is kept closed …no harm is done. But little kids have itchy fingers when it comes to something they are told to leave the hell alone.

  8. For many years films like Bagger Vance, The Green Mile, and Independence Day showed us white people that a black man can save you or show you the way….. it’s Hollywood…….

  9. The one that sends my husband screaming and me for the “mute” button is the galoomphy white guy asking the circle of multi-culti friends if anyone has started saving for college yet.

    All say no except for the bright, black folk, while the camera lingers on the jabbering mom and high-foreheaded baby.


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