Feminist prof says husband’s repeated requests for sex were violations – IOTW Report

Feminist prof says husband’s repeated requests for sex were violations

AT: Vox had a very long op-ed by an anonymous feminist professor who claims she was violated every time her husband had sex with her.  She “acquiesced,” learning coping strategies, such as reading a book to keep her upper half occupied while her husband engaged her lower half.

On the nights when I couldn’t get out of it, we used a method that I had taught myself to tolerate and that he, astoundingly, tolerated as well: I read a book to distract myself for as long as I could while he did the thing he needed to do. I did not let him kiss me for the last several years of our marriage. That was the rule: You can f— me, but you can’t kiss me, and I don’t have to pretend to like it.

Isn’t this terribly insulting to the husband, to read a book while he is trying to have sex with her?  I don’t even know if it is possible; I know I can’t read in cars or elevators.  Isn’t it really impossible to read when the book keeps bouncing back and forth? more here

51 Comments on Feminist prof says husband’s repeated requests for sex were violations

  1. Hey- husband did you never hear “other fish in the sea”? Were you afraid to go out alone at night?
    He clearly had no self respect. I bet he’s the prototype beta male.

  2. Why did this woman get married? Did she make any wedding vows? did she lie about them? was she even ever married?

    Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are the cirriculums with the high IQ students. It follows that the ones that end with the word “studies” are the low IQ students. It’s self evident.

    And it follows that those students don’t belong at the university. (or their teachers for that matter).

  3. I at first thought this was an ad for a Rodney Dangerfield routine, he said my wife said she wanted something different so she tied me to the bed and got dressed and left!


    When you don’t treat the woman as a sperm dumpster. “Make love” and if you can’t, you should please yourself and leave the woman alone.

    I think that’s why women hate sex b/c the man just needs to be satisfied, and she it just an object to meet that goal.

    Too be honest, my wife and I don’t even do THAT anymore because it’s just old hat and neither of us is interested in getting wet and smelly. We show affection in ways that are truly loving and we are both happy with it.

  5. Feminist professor checks into a hotel. Ask the desk clerk, “Please make sure the pornography in my room is disabled.”

    The desk clerk, “No way. We only offer regular porn, you goddamn degenerate.”

  6. I’m calling BS on this “ananymous” professor. Even a complete toad with no balls could buy sex or with the assistance of internet porn take things into his own hands. Nothing about this makes sense. Some man-hating dyke dreamt this up.

  7. Given that so little about this makes sense…

    I’d lay money that she wrote this fantasy to her friends because her husband hasn’t touched her in decades, and now is publicly cheating and/or they’re divorcing. Either gullible recipient(s) thereafter applauded the thing so she published it, or (more likely) she did it vindictively to send to the soon-to-be-ex in published form, as in “lookie see what I wrote and years from now I’ll humiliate you by acknowledging myself as the author and it will be credible because it was published way back when.”

  8. “When you don’t treat the woman as a sperm dumpster. “Make love””

    Yea Yea Yea. That’s all true for dating, I guess. But, humor is where it’s at. I once emerged from our closet area towards the awaiting wife wearing a cowboy hat, boots, and the biggest spurs I could find at the local western attire store. Those damn things cost me over $200.00. She still laughs to this day about that.

  9. Come on Joe, don’t tell me you and Mrs. 6pak don’t enjoy laughing. It’s so awesome knowing some one that well. The wife and I have shared a lot of laughs. I’m one damn lucky guy.

  10. It’s pretty simple… If you want to be married to a man, then he’s going to want to have sex with you once in a while. If you don’t want to have sex with him, then don’t be married to him. If you want to married to him but deny him sex and act like he’s a rapist for asking his own wife for sex, then fuck you, eat shit, and die, you cunt. You are a lousy excuse for a human being, and your husband should divorce you ASAP.

  11. TheMule

    Honestly, I’ve known a LOT of womenz. And every one of them wanted a healthy sexual relationship. Meaning minimal animals involved. JK. Maybe things have changed. I don’t know.

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