Fetal remains found on property of former South Bend abortion doctor – IOTW Report

Fetal remains found on property of former South Bend abortion doctor

Gosnell-like weirdo.


 Police say 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains were found on the property of Ulrich George Klopfer, a late abortion doctor who used to operate a South Bend clinic.

Klopfer died on Sept. 3.

On Sept. 12, the Will County (Illinois) Coroner’s Office received a call from an attorney representing his family. They reported finding fetal remains among Klopfer’s personal property and requested proper removal.

Will County sheriff’s detectives, crime scene investigators and representatives from the coroner’s office went to the address and were directed to an area of the property where 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains were located.

The coroner’s office took possession of the remains.

There is no evidence that any medical procedures were conducted at the property, according to the sheriff’s office, and the family is cooperating fully with the investigation.

The Indiana Medical Licensing Board voted to suspend Klopfer’s medical license indefinitely back in 2015. He operated the Women’s Pavilion in South Bend, as well as abortion clinics in Fort Wayne and Gary.

h/t were they listed in his will?

25 Comments on Fetal remains found on property of former South Bend abortion doctor

  1. The weakest of the serial killers. Weaker than the suicide guy, whose name escapes me. Kill those babies, they’re easiest. Kevorkian! That’s the name. At least he killed adults weakly, or weekly, depending on your point of view.

    The culture is SICK the culture is DYING. John Wayne Gacy or Gary Ridgeway were stronger serial killers

    The pedophile elite give us our cues, enjoy our nonchalance, kill a baby, no problem, rape a child, what’s the shizzle? You middling people are the problem, you know, with your ‘morals’ and all… top is free, bottom does as it’s told. No middle, that cranky pain in the ass.

  2. PP and abortionists. This is all demonic. The article the other day interviewed women who enjoy getting pregnant and killing the baby. They get off on it. One woman said they’ve done it for 12 years. 7 babies. They’re just making sacrifices to their god.

  3. I live in Fort Wayne – I remember him. He hasn’t “practiced” here for years. The last Planned “Un”Parenthood closed late last year or early this year – I can’t remember when exactly. Of course, they whined about the “anti-choice” “goons” who peacefully shamed them into leaving our town. It took thirty-plus years (since the Operation Rescue days) but there are no more clinics like PP in our locale.

  4. Just going to copy and paste a response to a friend who sent me this link.

    Shoot, I guess I HAVE to now pray for his soul. The jerk even died on my birthday so I can’t not forget.

    I just knew it was him when I saw your email. I was to his neighborhood and parked right in front of his house when the Fort Wayne, South Bend Rescue team pamphleted his neighborhood. One of his goons tried to intimidate me by getting into my face as I sat in the car praying.

    Another time, I sidewalk counseled by his clinic in Gary, but I didn’t know what he looked like. As he drove into his lot, I tried to sidewalk counsel him, thinking he was picking someone up.
    I was with a man from our group who knew what he looked like and walked up to me and Klopfer and said, Plain Jane, I believe you are talking to Dr. Klompfer. He eventually asked Klopfer out to dinner to talk. Of course Klompfer turned him down.

    Klop was one of the headliners in the CHICAGO Sun Times back in the 70s, when they did an expose on abortion . He and 2 other guys used to put hatch marks on their scrubs to keep track of the days abortions so they knew how much they were owed by the clinic.

    His place is where we once took the Missionary image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Father M. did a type of exorcism there. When he sprinkled blessed salt the battleaxe from his office ran out when the cops came and said Father put salt on the ground. There is no way she nor anyone could have seen this happen.

    He was a car collector besides collecting pre-born baby bodies. His clientele in Gary were mainly black women. Wonder if he ever got rid of his accent.

  5. @Tommy Boy,

    He loved in Will County Illinois, the county just south of Chicago, so he kept up with his practice in Gary,
    Indiana. I loved the enthusiasm of the Fort Wayne Rescue peeps. They had many more people than we could muster up in the Gary area.

  6. Klopfer will rot in Hell for his lifetime. Because he not only provided no options, but he hid the dead. What a scumbag.
    This is actually unbelievable in it’s numbers. WHERE IS THE PRESS?
    This actually broke me down. I actually thought this was going clean through clinics. No, going buried in the back yard. No short-cut towards profit was too small for Dr. Klopfler. What a story!

  7. It would be interesting to know how many of those aborted were late-term abortions. I know it shouldn’t make a difference but I do consider a late-term the most evil and cruel of the lot.

  8. Anymouse’s diatribe (for himself)…

    As is often the case I’m late to the thread. Now that we’re on page two I suspect I’m typing for myself alone and that’s not a bad thing. Venting to one degree or another. Once again, this one bothers me and is being covered at multiple websites. Remember as a kid (in grade school) being given an unauthorized tour of a “Tony” high school in the suburbs. While going through one of the biology labs we were shown a small fetus preserved in a jar and that was considered unusual and not shown to most students or public.

    Who or should I say “what” keeps thousands of preserved, aborted fetuses?

    I suspect this is unfortunately another example of the fact that there is no limit to the levels of evil or stupidity of the human condition. Always been with us, just easier to have it reported on in the scale of modern technology. Takes me past the anger or disgust to the mental picture…

    It’s someone, a relative (or not) from an earlier generation that you highly respect and care about, staring you in the face and saying, “I am just so very disappointed in you!”

    Well, once again I’m very disappointed about the human condition when it is slapping me in the face like this. I know I have only the possibility of controlling my own actions or reactions and not those of others. So that said I’m going to go with the fact that I take great solace in my twins who are working on the other side of the ledger.

  9. Anymouse–

    No, you’re not too late to the thread at all, IMO.

    “…another example of the fact that there is no limit to the levels of evil or stupidity of the human condition.”

    You are absolutely correct. And Klopfer condemned himself out of his own mouth when he said, “I love it”, referring to performing abortions. And repeatedly ridiculing the other man’s attempt to warn him about the coming Judgment. That is evil unchecked inside him.

  10. Knowing of another Gosnell-like weirdo makes my skin crawl.
    2,246 medically preserved fetal remains were found.
    And letting this creature enjoy oxygen, please find a mirror and look deep inside it.

  11. @ Ann Non and Anymouse,

    Both of your comments are well said. Glad you both are commenting still, even on page 2.

    Last night I had a difficult time getting Klop out of my mind as I was trying to fall sleep. I mulled over his keeping of the pre-born baby bodies. Plus taking them over state lines to do so.

    I knew he was a big creep, but why keep the bodies. They were TROPHIES. That person rode the abortion circuit between SouthBend, Fort Wayne and Gary. Between the most Eastern city and Gary is about a 5 hour round trip. He had a commitment like seen with the Nazi exterminators.

    He was batshit crazy. Sin does that to people. When we were after him, he didn’t even have hospital privileges.

    I tried to pray for his soul, but admitted to God that Iwas only praying because God wanted me to do so, and I could only bring myself to say a short prayer or two. .

    So happy this thread is continuing, it seems to be helping me to assess my feelings about near hatred for him vs. prayer for his soul. Plus, Godtook him on my birthday. Yuck

  12. Will County, south and slightly east of me. Close, so another reason it is troublesome to me.

    Brings to mind another question. Do we really know ourselves or our neighbors. In days past (small town) everyone knew everyone with all your warts and idiosyncrasies.

    Did those that lived around him know who and what he was? Acreage so that neighbors don’t really know or socialize?

    This is a John Wayne Gacy type of character without the clown costume and he didn’t bury the bodies but keep them as trophies.

    Nobody knew about his collection? Call 1-800-BUL-SHIT.

    “He seemed like such a nice man…” They live and walk among us…

  13. Anymouse, sounds like you live only a couple of hours from my old stomping grounds.

    If I recall correctly, he lived off Exchange between Indiana and Crete or Steger at the time the Rescue group pamphleted his neighbors to let them know an abortionist lived in their neighborhood.

  14. “Thousands of women are impacted by what Klopfer did to them…He has their children in his garage and so I want to offer a note of hope and healing,” Appleman said.

    These women did this to themselves. They didn’t want “their children.”

  15. @ Merry Poppet,

    Many, many women and young girls are brow beaten, coersed, and literally taken to abortuaries against their will, by their parents, boyfriends, uncles, etc. Not all women did it to themselves. I did post abortion healing retreats and I am certain of what I speak.

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