Fetterman Has Over-Night Hospital Stay After Complaint of Lightheadedness – IOTW Report

Fetterman Has Over-Night Hospital Stay After Complaint of Lightheadedness


U.S. Sen. John Fetterman, the Pennsylvania Democrat who suffered a stroke during his campaign last year, was hospitalized Wednesday night after feeling lightheaded while attending a Senate Democratic retreat, his office said.

Initial tests at George Washington University Hospital did not show evidence of a new stroke, Fetterman’s communications director, Joe Calvello, said in a statement issued Wednesday night. Doctors were running more tests and the senator remained at the hospital for observation, according to the statement. more

26 Comments on Fetterman Has Over-Night Hospital Stay After Complaint of Lightheadedness

  1. Buuuut, democrats told us he’s the pinnacle of health, why would he need a hospital stay, it doesn’t make sense. Ooooh, right, if you consider democrats lie about absolutely everything then it makes perfect sense.

  2. geoff the aardvark FEBRUARY 9, 2023 AT 2:24 PM
    “What were the people of Pennsylvania thinking of when they elected this moron as their US Senator?”


    “The People”?


    …ohh, sure, go with that, that’s acutally CUTE!


  3. I saw the words, “pinnacle of health.”

    Then I saw the word, “pinhead.”

    So I made a substitution, “pinhead of health.”

    (That’s all it takes on a day like this.)


    Mitch FOR NOTHING(or so he says) generated $500,000,000 worth of ads for Feterneck last Summer.
    Mitch – at least 5 times was recorded telling voters vote for Feterneck; well Mitch said DO NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN! Which is almost the same thing.

    All the TV “News”: ABC, CBS, CNN, Fo, NBC played Mitch’s pro Feterneck adds at lest 3 times an hour; some 6. Since the ADDS were called “sound bites” the TV did not have to charge Feterneck for the adds! Had Fterneck had to pay for MItch’s commercials it would have been hundreds of millions $.

    Thanks Mitch!


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