Fetterman’s Wife Abruptly Fled the Country After He Was Hospitalized – IOTW Report

Fetterman’s Wife Abruptly Fled the Country After He Was Hospitalized

Western Journal: The wife of Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman left the country in response to a deluge of media coverage following her husband’s latest hospitalization.

Gisele Barreto Fetterman revealed that she left her home with her children in the days after her husband checked into a Washington, D.C.-area hospital for clinical depression.

“1 week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home. I did the first thing I could think of … pack them in the car and drive,” she said in a Friday tweet.

Gisele Fetterman traveled as far away as Canada.

“Pro Tip: always have passports ready just in case you have to run away,” she said.

The senator’s wife disclosed that the family went zip-lining over Niagara Falls on the trip. MORE

29 Comments on Fetterman’s Wife Abruptly Fled the Country After He Was Hospitalized

  1. Reminds me of Tammy Wynette’s song “Stand By Your Man”.

    I don’t recall Tammy singing about zip-lining over Niagara Falls as your man is in serious condition and in the hospital.
    But, I could be mistaken, it was released in 1968.

  2. You wanted the wealth and trappings of your husband’s political office lady. That includes the press, bitch. What a fair weather wife. When the going gets tough, the wife flees the cuntry.

  3. First, it is a surprise that she has paperwork to bring minor children out of the country by herself.

    Secondly, that pack up and run away is her first response. Really?

  4. Typical satanic self focused, self centered Demonrat. She is the main culprit acting like the victim…

    So brave to flee with her brood to center themselves on the challenges ahead by fucking off in Canadia.

    Do us a favor and stay there you selfish cunt, but you will just wait for him to quit or die and happily take his power, won’t you bitch?

  5. With conservatives, family usually comes first. Even if parents and/or siblings don’t necessarily get along they still stick together…because it’s the right thing to do.

    This assclown packs up and leaves her husband. Probably will start a “road trip diary” of sorts full of pics and cliches as she tries to find inner peace. Meanwhile, the libtards will flip the narrative and will praise her for being headstrong during an emotional and stressful situation. “Someone to look up to”, they’ll say. Not all heroines wear capes…just the ones that stand by their man during difficult times.

  6. Kcir February 25, 2023 at 8:24 am

    She will be back to serve him with papers or for the reading of the will.

    No divorce, there’s more money in his death and she knows it. Life is hell for her right now, she’ll be getting relief soon.

  7. I don’t like the guy but he often came off and gave vibes that he’s an abused spouse. Maybe his ‘hospitalization’ is his way of getting away from his (very homely and illegal) abuser.

  8. There’s a chunk of ice where her heart should be.

    If she must have “fun and joy” while her husband is alive and suffering, imagine the “fun and joy” she will have when he croaks it. 🎉🍾🎊🥳 Yikes.

  9. well there ya go, uncle festerman unable to function on his own


  10. Strange how Mrs. Lurch has made a very public declaration that she distanced herself from her husband’s medical care. It may have something to do with more than her being a heartless, power hungry grifter. Maybe a connect to her questionable U.S. citizenship. Can’t the Demon-crats take care of that?

    “Pro Tip: always have passports ready just in case you have to run away,” she said.” Oh yeah. Why? Is that a Brazilian socialist/communist cultural thing.


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