Fetus-Collecting Abortionist Connected To Unlicensed Abortion Facility In Buttigieg’s Town – IOTW Report

Fetus-Collecting Abortionist Connected To Unlicensed Abortion Facility In Buttigieg’s Town

Federalist: Abortion apologists are now distancing themselves from abortionist Ulrich George Klopfer, who was recently found to have kept the remains of more than 2,000 babies. But they weren’t before.

Last week news broke that family members of the late South Bend, Indiana abortionist Ulrich George Klopfer had unearthed at his home in northern Illinois preserved remains of more than 2,000 unborn babies. This discovery came just months after a federal court injunction allowed the Texas-based abortion chain Whole Women’s Health to open a new center without the required state license in this Midwestern town where presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg serves as mayor.

These developments raise myriad questions about Buttigieg’s support for Whole Women’s Health, which has a history of violating state laws regarding the disposal of fetal remains and had named a former Klopfer colleague as the clinic director in its South Bend, Indiana licensing application. read more

SNIP: Is anyone going to ask Butticheek about this?

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