Fidel Castro’s dead – IOTW Report

Fidel Castro’s dead

Info here.

No doubt, Obama will post a picture of himself with him, so I’ll beat him to the punch.


46 Comments on Fidel Castro’s dead

  1. The guy that runs Uncle Sams Misguided Children is a Cuban American. His message.

    “As a 13 years Cuban communist survivor nothing makes me so happy to know the great news of the tyrant dictator death. One down , one more to go. I hope to live to see Cuba free from communism. Is been a great year and the year is not over.”

  2. Remember Janet Reno died recently, too.
    Oh, happy days are here again.

    When despots and murderers die and evil, nasty, corrupt politicians lose elections, angels get their wings.

  3. But the damage is done. The real Cuba is gone. A memory. A faded sepia image.

    Brace yourselves, folks. The next few days will be heartbreaking as we will be assaulted by the accolades from the media. Tears will rain down from celebrities and world leaders will pay endless tributes to the bearded devil. It will be nauseating.

  4. Man is suspect and prone to change. The inevitable, though at times lasting centuries, comes about. The tears of his comrades, worldwide, are tears of scorn and blood, of hatred and persecution. The innocents and the Righteous, all the many millions who have died at the hands of tyrants such as this are avenged at the moment Death knocks at the door. Lenin, Stalin, Mao… “Be sure your sins will find you out,” the Bible says.

  5. I yearn for a return of the days when a death was always accompanied by the Cause of Death.
    Back then Journalism was honestly practiced (at least by some)
    and the Dept of Health was run for the public’s benefit.

  6. BBC went on all night praising the Cuban dictator. They bragged that Castro outlasted 10 Presidents, as if nations choose their leaders based on how long they can keep making their people miserable.

  7. This morning Teddy Kennedy and Ernest Hemingway were seen making a deal with Castro on six boxes each of Cohiba Exquisitos. Tobacco and sulfur…this place is really going to stink. 👿

  8. With this great news I immediately flashed on a scene – as the hearse with Castro’s corpse heads for the grave site, millions of Cubans stand on the roadside, cheering “INTO THE DITCH, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!”. Great feeling!!

  9. May he rot.
    I hope it was an agonizing, lonely, fearful death, just like that squealing pig Stalin.
    And may his murders, crimes and oppression never be forgotten.


  10. Heaven won’t have him and Hell don’t want him … I wonder where his sorry, filthy, fetid, corrupt, miserable, hate-filled soul will end up?
    Wandering the massed, unmarked graveyards of communism?
    He should have to lick the putrid sores on the bodies of all his victims – till time, itself, expires.

    Fuck him, and his ilk … you know what I’m talkin about!

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. And so it came to pass: The immortal words of Will Penny.

    Will Penny: That’s always the way, ain’t it?
    Alex: What’s always the way?
    Will Penny: Let a man die, right away he’s “good old Claude.”
    How was he before he bucked out?

    He was a murdering, sadistic bastard, as was his honcho, Che, but his image will soon be on Tee shirts. Proudly worn by the know nothing lefties.

  12. Thank God! Cubans in Miami are celebrating and eventually, with the help of Mr. Trump, Cuba will be free of the Castro regime and communism.
    Even better news, the celebrations are mortifying the left. LOL!!

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